Chapter 7: I Know Better

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(Hayley's Pov)

I had seen Cody's struggles before, the way he held it in and when asked said that it was nothing. I knew about Cody's ignorance with Derrick, and how he'd cross his arms and wait for the hour to go by. I had seen each look on his face each time we had been caught, the first time he looked shocked, the times after he'd just keep his head down smiling.

(Cody's Pov)

I had seen Hayley become nervous more times than I could count. She'd pick at her fake nails that she just had done, or bit at her lip. I knew that she a familiarity with my past that didn't phase her anymore. She was picking at her freshly manicured nails now, struggling to stay put in her seat, her body was tense to the touch.

I knew than better to hurt a rich girl like her. She probably had a lawyer that her family uses.

I knew better than to tell her what happened between Corey and I. She wanted to know so badly, it was better that I didn't.

"What wrong?" I asked her. She looked up at me then back down gripping the blanket.

"Elijah and I talked. I told him you were contemplating suicide." She said I nodded, it was a good lie. "Uhm- he found your uniform. The day I burned it, it was raining a guy caught me and I ran. I didn't think he'd call the cops." I cursed under my breath which made Hayley shift in her seat. "If you didn't burn the uniform I could've placed it in the river to say I drowned myself."

"What did you and Corey talk about." She asked.

"You know I won't answer that so why do you keep asking?" I say looking over to her as she shrugs.

"I don't want to be in the dark about this Cody. What if I have to tell another lie for you." The last part came out as angry, as she stood up and started to walk out the door. I jumped up and grabbed her arm from behind but she shook it from me, turning to glare at me before slamming the door.

I watched her from the window, she sat on a rocking chair on the wrap around porch and watched the rain while talking to someone on the phone. When she hung up I went outside and leaned against the house.

"If your wondering, that was my brother. He wants me to be safe." She said before looking down at her feet before looking up to me. "Do you think they're still looking in to me?" I pushed myself off the exterior and sat down beside her.

"Knowing that you held me for a couple minutes before 'you told me to leave' your probably the only person that's actually seen me since I escaped. They are always going to be looking into you. We where close in Emerson, they have an advantage if they have you. You know everything I thought, how I worked. That's leverage.

"Why did you escape? Why did you do it?" She asked in a small soft voice.

"I wouldn't have gotten out of there."

"You didn't know that. You have another trail in two months."

"And you would've shown up and said type of sappy shit as to why didn't visit. I'll have you know after you left for good, your parents took me to confinement for a week. After I got out I waited at that using table for you for hours. Telling that dumbass guard that you where running late. The laughs I got. They decided I had been imagining it, so they upped my sessions with Derrick two times a week. I got moved back up to my old floor after my trail. This time I couldn't see the parking lot. I knew this time around you weren't coming so I had to take matters into my own hands. I called a friend, his name is Adrian Cota. He visited me and we plotted my escape. Shit, I just wanted to be with you. I wanted to hold you hand again, especially when you need it. I wanted to be here for everything. The good the bad. I just want to be here with you, and I know you want me here too." I say sighing and looking out at the rain.

"One day I just dropped everything and said 'fuck this.' I was tired of wondering if you ever missed me or if you knew how lonely I felt without your presence. I got tired of watching the same movie every night, imagining you where there and I would hear your laugh-that damn childish laugh you do when that stupid lizard hit the guy with the frying pan. I got so fucking sick and tied of looking around the room and seeing people with visitors, and I was alone. At a point, I roamed around the common room where you kissed me in front of your mother, I sat on the couch where you told me you to had been in for abusing painkillers. I mean there are things that I've done in the past that I can't justify. But I know better now Hayley." I said looking over at her as her eyes teared.

"It took a while to get used to the transition of not seeing you. Your words kept replaying in my mind as I told them to myself in the mirror every morning before breakfast.
'Be strong enough to let nothing disturb you and your thoughts. Look on the plus side of everything, each day is a new day. Forget the boy of the past and strive to be better than him.' I just wanted to be happy. I was so miserable Hayley, and your parents weren't making it any better. I just wanted to be happy and that's why I did what I did." I say.

Hayley was crying now, trying to wipe away the tears as I swallowed.

"I'm sorry Cody. I really am." She said coming up and wrapped her arms around me waist. "I didn't mean to leave you. My brother made me to focus on college." He said sniffing as I felt my shirt become wet with her tears. I'm sorry." She said as I squeezed her tighter running my hand down her hair.



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