Chapter 23: Montana Bobcats

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(Hayley's Pov)

Cody wasn't letting up on his hard stare as I sipped my orange juice after he overheard me on the phone with Marcos. It had been a couple days and we where fine, but this just seemed like another set back. I was protecting myself, I did the right thing whether Cody thought so or not.


"That's so stupid of you Hayley. What if the cops where waiting for you to turn on your cellphone?" He asked taking his bowl over to the sink. "They probably saw that you're in Montana-do you even think about these things?"

"Sorry I'm not a criminal who has to." I said harshly but immediately regretted it after I saw Cody tense and drop the bowl in the sink. I waited for him to respond but he gave me a frown and a look that told me I had pushed way to far as he walked out of the kitchen. I wanted to follow him but I couldn't, he was mad and the only thing that would make it worse is him looking into the face of the only person who cared about him call him what he hated the most. A criminal.

Of course Cody wasn't the type to tell you how he felt, he'd rather ignore you until he was done pouting so I let him. But I couldn't forgive myself for calling him what he wasn't. He opened up to me at Emerson and I believed he didn't kill those women, this was a strain on our "relationship" if you even wanted to call it that. Of course I was madly in love with him, but from the looks of it I was just someone who was helping him hide. Why? We obviously weren't your average couple, Cody broke the law, I was technically helping him. We never had those cute moments anymore like we did at Emerson.

What does Cody do when he's upset? Angry? Or sad? Smoke. He probably sat on the back of the porch and smoked a whole pack before he came in. I was desperately searching for my keys when he had walked in, I ignored him and picked up every pillow in the living room trying to find where I set my keys.

"What are you doing?" He asked quietly. His voice was strained as if he was thinking the worse but I pretended I didn't hear him. It hurt me to know that he actually thought I was leaving so soon when really I had only been here for a couple days. He was working and I stayed home most of the time but it was Thursday and Cody didn't go in like he normally did. "Hayley." He said a but louder but his voice still had the same strain. I turned to look at him, and he was hunched over, his hair a mess, looking like he had fought with himself. "What are you doing?" He asked finally, I sighed and threw a pillow back onto the couch.

"Have you seen my keys?" I asked and he scrunched up his eyebrows. He just looked at me confused, and I looked down at my dress to make sure it there wasn't anything wrong. "I'm going on a tour at Montana State University. I need my keys or I'm going to be late." I explained, He looked over at the clock and back at me. Why did it seem like we where in slow motion?

"Put on some tights, and a jacket on before you leave it's chilly outside." My heart melted that he was being so sweet. "No I haven't seen them." He said and walked past me towards the hallway but I stopped him.

"It was best that I talk to my lawyer. He's on our side, plus I wouldn't just give away any information that would harm you or where we're hiding. Don't tear yourself up over it. I'm doing this for me. You should let your lawyer know too. Call him and tell him what's happening, he's your lawyer not a cop. I'm sorry your stuck with a crappy lawyer."

"Yeah" he agreed. "Me too." He said before walking down the hall. Instead of hearing the door slam I barely heard it shut. I sighed and ran my hand under the couch and it hit something round as it rolled into the open. I picked but the pill bottle similar to those that you get at Emerson and found Cody's name printed across it.

"Cody!?" I yelled holding the pill bottle in my hand. He came from the hallway and I lifted up the bottle to show him. "Why is this under the couch?" I asked and he frowned. "Why aren't you taking your pills!!?" I yelled again. He tossed something at me and I flinched but caught my keys in my hand.

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