Chapter 13: What Did I Get Myself Into

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(Cody's Pov)

I pictured her laughing often to get me through the day. I'd laugh and my own thoughts. Now I don't think I'll ever get over her anymore, even if it was best for her. She looked at me and we where back in my room, sitting on that shitty mattress while her head laid on my chest. I was back to the night we swore we wouldn't forget each other.

I was moving and this time I was actually leaving. We argued until we where blue in the face. She had just condoned this trip last week now she was stating that she couldn't argue with a pole. I wasn't a pole, I held my ground yes, but I do not break when hit to hard. I was not a pole. I was leaving and she'd be leaving to her parents house that she didn't want to go to.

(Hayley's Pov)

There where positives and negatives about moving to Montana. Some positives would be that I'd be able to be with Cody, start a new life away from my family, and possibly fall in love with him and marry him. Some negatives would be the price, college was expensive out of state, and I don't think Cody knew that.

Cody loved me and would "do anything to make me happy." They only thing that would make me happy would be for him to stay alive. But Cody was a fugitive, a criminal made famous by someone's else's actions. He was being framed. No one believed that though, there was no way I was going to let him get himself killed.

"Your crazy-"

"In love with you Cody! There's a man hunt, everyone is looking for you can you please just wait and I'll go with you."

"Your going moving to Montana with me?"

"Maybe...I have to think about it." He shook his head and continued to pack his things.

"That's not good enough. I'll by a house for the both of us, incase you decide you want to come. They're more likely to raid your house and find me then they are when I'm on the move."

"I'll talk about moving with Elijah, and my friends maybe they'll think it's a good idea."


"Are you crazy?" Elijah asked stopping what he was doing on his computer. "You love California to much to move somewhere cold."

"Not true, what if I want change?" I ask and he laughed.

"You won't leave California. You don't even own a heavy jacket Hayley. You wear dresses all the time. Your legs are going to get cold in Montana."

"I analyzed-" Elijah shot up and lead him away from me as I looked over at them talking and Elijah looked over at me. He thanked the guy and Daniel walked up.

"Sorry Elijah, these are cigarette buds we found at your sisters apartment." He said.

"You went to my apartment?" I asked and Elijah rolled his eyes.

"You were a lead." He said looking at the buds.

"A lead in what? I don't smoke Elijah." I say and he looked over at me with a confused look.

"You don't?" He asked in confusion.

"No." I say.

"Take it to the lab." Elijah says before telling me to stay put and he walked into his captains office. I ran my keys and quickly walk out of the station, running to my car.


I enter my apartment in a hurry, watching Cody shoot up from the couch. I slammed the door and threw my purse to the table charging at Cody.

"I told you to burn your cigarettes!" I yelled hitting Cody's chest.

"I forgot!" He yelled holding me but I broke free.

"Now they're going to come and get you!" I yelled pushing him back hard enough to a small side table and knocked a case over, causing glass to shatter on the floor. "Why are you just standing there go get your stuff and go!" I yell at him grabbing the broom and dust pan.

"You shouldn't have helped me Hayley, I knew this was bound to happen, I shouldn't have even stayed." He said. "This is my fault." He said slinging his bag onto his shoulder and I stood up.

"Go Cody. I'll be fine." I say reaching up and pecking his lips.

There was a hard knock and I looked over at Cody worried.
"Beverly Hills PD open up!"

"I'll find you later, call me when your safe." I say and he nodded and went to the balcony. The door was forcefully opened and I was yelled to get on the ground along with other orders I didn't hear over each of the yelling.

"Where's Cody Simpson?"

"I don't know." I say looking down shaking for my life.

"There he is!" One yelled and they ran out my apartment but I was left alone with Daniel, I looked up at him, and he shook his head in disappointment.

"What did you get yourself into Hayley??"

Cody's Pov.

They were hot on my feet, as I turn down the road, pushing through the crowded sidewalks of Beverly Hills. My heart was racing and the only thing keeping me from passing out was adrenaline. They had yelled for someone to stop me but I was quick, working out had there perks. There was a shot and I cursed running down an ally way and I had ended up around a hilled area, and I ran for for the hills.

I can't get caught.

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