Chapter 19: I Was Out Of State

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(Cody's Pov)

"Please, don't go" was the most common saying I got from Hayley even after we had talk for two hours and she was dozing off while on the phone. I had a lot of time to think, being inside the house and all. I often wondered why the fuck I ever let someone like Hayley handle my business in California. How did I manage to fall asleep at night when it was so risky for her to do this job? It was eating me alive when Hayley was a couple minutes late to our timed calls, she can't get caught for me. I made sure she understood and gave her instructions to follow.

(Hayley's Pov)

"Call me when you get home, before you go to sleep, and when you wake up so I can hear your voice, don't text me." Is what Cody told me before I left. In fact, he was the last voice I heard for several days. I was supposed to go to Corey's house and give him a letter that Cody had given me to give him, but Elijah had been wanting to see me, and probably question me about where I was. I had specific instructions from Cody;

1) Do not open the envelope
2) Give the envelope to Corey at his house.

Being the curious girl that I was, and I had a right to know what I was delivering to one of Cody's best friends. Cody, would argue differently, plus Corey had a criminal record. Who knew what Cody was planning. I opened the envelope anyway, inside was five hundred dollar bills and a note etched with a pen in Cody's handwriting, it was signed and the house phone number was on it.

"Keep her safe."  It read.


What was going to happen?

What was Cody planning?

I almost jumped out of my skin when someone pounded on my door. I waited to see if it was the police but Elijah's loud voice asked if I would open the door. I panicked, shoving the paper back into the envelope and putting it between the cushion on an armchair. I rushed over to the door as he knocked again I opened the door and there Elijah was in his uniform.

"Hey brother," I say as he gives me a tight hug.

"Where have you been this past week?" He said sitting down at that same armchair I stuffed the envelope in.

"What a drink?" I asked ignoring the question.

"Tea, I gotta go back to work soon," he says readjusting his sitting position. "So where have you been? Mom and Dad came over we where going to have a family dinner but you just left without telling anyone? That's not like you."

"I was out of state." I say pouring him a glass of tea.

"Out of state?" He asked in disbelief, "what the hell where you doing out of state?" He asked staring over at me before looking down.

"What's this?" He asked holding up the envelope Cody gave me. I grabbed his glass and snatched the envelope from his hand.

"Money to pay bills, they're past-due." I say handing him his tea and putting the envelope in the side desk drawer. Which was true, when I went to Montana I forgot to pay some bills, so when I opened my nail I had notices.

"Why where our of state Hayley?" He asked.

"Touring a college."

"One that's out of state?" He laughed.

"Yeah." I say and he looked over to me.
"I'm thinking about it."

"Why?" He asked throwing a hand up. "You've lived in California your whole life-"

"But there so much drama in California, with Cody- I just want something new." I say.


Although Cody friend, Corey had a long list of things that he was wanted for he didn't look like a criminal. Crazy isn't it? I looked around the area before getting out of my car the last thing I wanted was for anyone I knew to see me here. I had to know twice before he had answered the door. He looked as if he had been sleeping, shaggy hair, and not shirt. He looked taken back and I handed him the envelope.

"Cody told me to give you this." I say.

"He also said not to open it," he said snatching it from my hands and digging out the hundreds and the small paper that I had read and looked around inside the envelope again and pulled out a sticky not folded in half. How did I not see that?

"I'll call Cody when it's ready." He says.

"When what's ready?" I ask but he had shut the door.

What else was on that paper?

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