Chapter 8: Shouldn't Have Happened

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(Hayley's Pov)

7:53 p.m.
At some point, I should have know I would end up here, I'd rather it be later but I was caught. Who knew I would be arrested in front of the mall, waiting for a police officer to come in, and give me hard questions that I would provided fake answers to?

8:34 a.m. that morning.

We had to make Cody dead, we didn't know how but we had to to, or at least do something so they didn't keep pointing fingers at me every time they found something. We couldn't think of anything, for the past two weeks it's been a waiting game.

"Do you wanna move?" Cody asked out if the blue as we were watching HGTV.


"Like out of the country or something... go to Milan, anywhere really." He said looking over at me. "Lets move to the mountains or something, maybe Ireland?"

"Us?" I ask and he nodded sitting up and wrapping his arm around me.

"Yeah, you just turned nineteen your parents can't stop you."

"Sure they can, they stopped me from a lot of things," I say. "They even stopped me from buying another dog."

"Your Great Danes are like horses Hayley. I would've argued with you. What I mean is that they can't stop you from moving away or even out of the country. Your an adult now."

"What about all family, all my friends?"

"You can visit your family and friends, but you can always make more." He did have a point. I wondered if we'd be like this for the rest of our lives. Would Cody ever be pronounced as sane? Would I be able to share the news of our engagement to family? Or news of a baby? We couldn't do this. I had everything planned already.

"There's no way you will be able to get on a plane." I sat and he looked down resting his head on his hand thinking.

"I'll think of something..."

"Moving takes patience, especially out of the country you have to plan a whole lot." I tell him standing up and touching his shoulder. I didn't mean to discourage him, hell if he wanted to move he could do it, but I won't let him try to without knowing the facts.

I was cleaning while Cody smoked out of the porch, he took his time smoking this time, but as I was vacuuming the living room I heard a sound. The sound pills make when they rattle against the bottle. I bent down in confusion, running my hands under the couch and feeling one bottle. I grabbed it.


"Cody!?" I yelled for him as I stood up reading the bottle.

"Yeah-Hayley where did you find those."

"Under the couch what are you doing with them?" I ask.

"They're from Emerson. Give them back" he going I reach for them but I pulled them back.

"But your not sick..."

"What do you mean?"

"Your not sick..." I repeated. "Your not-"

"Insane? I'm not. But I got these... after you left. I have hallucinations, mostly at night okay? I can't sleep with out them." He said and I relaxed.

"You have hallucinations?"

"I'm not insane Hayley, so stop looking at me like I am." He said and I looked away from him and handed them back to him. Cody wasn't sick, I thought as I grabbed my coat.

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