Chapter 18: Planning

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(Hayley's Pov)

According to twitter, police knew that Cody was missing and on the loose again. Anthony even sent me a text and an article about it and told me to be safe, which was sweet and all but nothing was sweeter the watching Cody sleep. His hair a mess, his lips parted slightly letting soft snores slip out, he looked almost childish.

But Cody was far from childish, he knew what he wanted and when he wanted it. He had decided that I better go back home so no one would think I was in on helping him escape, or hiding him from police. My parents had called this morning and told me that he never made it. I acted shocked, as if he wasn't sleeping upstairs, and asked if they knew where he was but she didn't know. Shortly after Cody had came into the kitchen and I hung up on her.

"What where you doing?" He asked rubbing his eyes as he headed towards the fridge, he was in jeans but had no shirt on and there was a big bruise on the back of his shoulder.

"Oh my God what happened," I asked ignoring his question, rushing over to him, and looking at the bruise.

"Oh that? Uhh your brother hit me with some police stick when I was running." I gasped.

"He must've hit you really hard then."

"I'm a psychotic murderer on the loose what did you expect him to do? I almost got shot." He said jumping onto the counter and picking up his cereal bowl and began eating it. My eyes darted over to his tattoos, I didn't think I would ever be over looking at them.

"I've never asked you but why would you want to remember such horrible dates? Like you tattooed the day you where emitted into The Park, and Emerson. Why?"

"There apart of my life, I won't forget my time there anyway."

"Did you like The Park?" I asked opening the fridge, I heard Cody stop eating and he waited a while to answer my question.

"Why are you asking?"

"I'm just curious," I say shrugging my shoulders and poured a glass of Sunny D.

"I did at times, I mean I wasn't with normal people. There was a kid there who told me stories all the time, he was schizophrenic. I had a girlfriend to, we got along quiet well actually, we had our little dates in the common room when I was allowed of course. My last year at The Park we where making out whenever we could away from everyone else. She sneak into my room at night for some fun." He said smiling at the memory, as I rolled my eyes at Cody's nature, then he continued eating. "For a while I thought she was normal, she told me she was there for depression. But then I found out she was a fucking lunatic." I was going to ask him how he found out but I didn't find it appropriate after what he said. "She was going to get released about a month after me but she hung herself."  It was quiet for a while, until I spotted Cody's pills.

"Take these." I say handing them over to him and he sighed, setting them down beside him, and continued to eat. Emerson's purple label on the pill bottle was sure to bring back some memories of the place he hated the most. Cody had been taking pills for years that The Park described him, and I know Cody didn't want to take them but although nothing seemed wrong with Cody, there was something deep down that was the problem-you don't just murder you parents because they didn't let you go to a swim meet.

Cody placed his bowl in the sink before disappearing down the hall. I sighed and fiddled with Cody's pill bottle in my hands before pouring a glass of tea and took them into the living room where I found Cody with a white t-shirt sitting on the couch and watching TV.

From Elijah;

Where are you? We're worried

To Elijah;

Enjoying some me time, I'll be back home tomorrow.

I walk into the living room and straddle Cody's lap, he smiled at me but frowned when he saw the pill bottle.

"Come on Cody, just take them for me.." I say and be grabbed the bottle and got out one pill before popping it into his mouth and washing it down with tea. "Thank you," I say quietly kissing his cheek. "Don't forget to take another tonight."

"I won't" he said as I moved to sit beside him, leaning my head on his shoulder as he played with my hair. "Do you like the house? Do you see a future here?"

"It's really close to town and we have neighbors, what happened with getting something secluded?"

"This was a perfect starting home, not to expensive, but not to cheap, it's just about right." He said, instead of arguing over their already paid for house, I changed the subject.

"College starts back up again, it's the first week of finals, I haven't even prepared." I said sitting up and looking over at him. "I can't come to a college over here until next year.. that's two months away. Montana is cold-"

"Perfect for Christmas." He said tucking a stand of hair behind my ear and placing his hand on my thigh.

"But far from my family. I'm a city girl Cody, I don't know anything about Montana."

"Then we search Google, learn about it." He shrugged.

"My job-"

"I'm going to get a job." He said stoping me and placing his hands on my checks and I wrapped my hands around his arms.

"What about college?" I asked softly. "It's expensive. I went from going to an in-district college to and Out of state college. What do I tell my parents?"

"I'll stay here," he started moving his hands to hold mine in my lap. I looked around the living room, then at us, two young adult who didn't know what the hell they where doing. "I'll get a job. I won't rob anymore banks, I promise. Tell your parents a you've been thinking about it since your friends talked about it or something. Baby it'll be you and me. Your eighteen, you don't need your parents permission to do anything anymore."

"I do when they pay for my education."

"Apply for Aid or whatever it is."

"It's not that easy. I have to find a college that majors in psychology." I say when door bell rings. Cody grabs my hand tightly and gets up and heads for the window as it rings again. He looks out the window.

"I think it's the Neighbors." He said.

"I got this." I say to him and he nods running down the hallway, as o make my way to the door. Who can I trust here? I let out a deep breath and unlocked the door opening it to reveal an middle aged family, my breath caught in my throat when I noticed the husband was a police officer. The wife is blonde headed and looked like she was a stay at home mother.

"Hi neighbor!" She said in a cherry voice.

"We are the Reynolds, this is Nick, and I'm Fey." She said sticking her hand out and I smiled shaking both of their hands.

"Hayley." I say "Me and my boyfriend just moved from Beverly Hills."

"California!?" She asked. "Why move? Was it the scenery? Or the people-?"

"We just wanted out of California." I say.

"Well that's great! This is a lovely neighborhood thanks to my husband, and neighborhood watch. You picked a safe community!" The wife, Fey rambled on and on about her husband and kids before her husband, Nick told her it was time to go, and she handed me over a dish of enchiladas.

I smiled and waved as they walked down the driveway, before abruptly shut the door and locking it. I ran into the kitchen and watched from the window as they reached their lawn.

"Cody!!" I yelled frantically and he ran into kitchen.

"What's wrong?" He asked as gulped.

"Our neighbors are cops." I managed to get out.

Cody froze cold.

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