Chapter 24: Dinner

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(Hayley's Pov)

I left the next day and Cody and I were better but he still of course didn't agree to telling my lawyer everything. I couldn't deal with Cody right now because finals were just around the corner not to mention trying to get all admission requirements ready for University. There was something off about Cody, and I knew it had to be because he wasn't taking his pills but I'd never seen him like this. He was always looking out the window of the master bedroom at the neighbors.

"I'm getting suspicious of our neighbors." He would say. He even went so far to say they had started a statewide search, which wasn't a surprise, but it didn't seem like catching Cody Simpson was a priority over in Montana like it was in California. I tried to ease his mind before I left but I still witnessed him anxiously smoking throughout the day.

The Beverly Hills Police Department building looked the same as it always had, white building with bushes desperately in need of a trim. I second guessed myself a lot, more than I like to admit. What didn't make sense was: why was I doing this? You'd think by now I'd be totally on board with helping Cody hide but honestly, I didn't know if I could do it anymore.

Was Cody worth it? Was I prepared for the consequences of getting caught? I looked over at the door and sighed maybe I wasn't. I could go inside right now and confess everything and still walk away with minimal charges. I gasped when the passenger and back seat door open and Elijah and Daniel took a seat.

"What the heck?" I ask looking at both men who had takeout drinks in their hands.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been calling you all weekend." Elijah spoke first.

"You had your phone turned off, but when you turned it on you where in Montana" Daniel says moving into the middle seat to get a better look.

"Yeah," Elijah agreed looking away from Daniel to look at me. "Why the hell where you at Montana State University."

"I'm going to explain everything to you along with mom and dad at dinner at you place tonight."

"Mine? When did you decide all this?"

"Last night, its better to get it of my chest. God know you hate when I keep secrets.

"Where did you even stay?" Daniel asked changing the subject.

"A hotel." I lied.

"Can you verify?"

"Elijah!" I yelled in disbelief. "Why don't you believe me?"

"It's kind of hard too."

"Lets go take this report in to the chief."

"Go on ahead, I gotta get something from my truck." They both got out of the car, I expected Daniel to go to his truck but he got into the passenger seat on my car and watched Elijah talk to a man in a suit

"This isn't your truck." I say and he cracked a smile.

"I know you know something," he says looking over at me. I put on a confused look and he raised an eyebrow. "You suddenly going of grid? Your not like that Hayley. Your on social media all the time. You Snapchat while driving, you take pictures of your lunch. Your not someone who takes a break from social media."

"What are you getting at?" I ask directing my stare away from him to Elijah for a spilt second before I focused back on him.

"Your brother isn't stupid, neither am I. You know something Hayley. Why in the hell are you protecting Cody Simpson?"

"Tell Elijah to relay the message to our parents." I say looking away from him. He sighed and got out of my car and I watched him walk up to Elijah before I left.


Anthony sat beside me, the other three of my close friends fit into booth in front of us. I sipped at my tea as Anthony ordered us all a large appetizer.

"You okay Hayley?" Anthony asked. I looked over at him nodding before looking around the table at the friends I've made. It was definitely going to be hard to leave them behind, but I think it's best that I go and keep an eye on Cody.

"What are your plans for next semester Hayley? are you going to try and re-take abnormal psychology?"

"Who says I'm failing?" I ask.

"You told me that you didn't think you were passing after you got a D on your last test." Anthony mention. Which was true, I didn't study because I was away at Montana with Cody."

"Most likely, it just depends." I shrug. "I'm moving out of California." I blurt out, my friends looked shocked as I continued. "I'm telling my parents and brother tonight. I'm finishing the school year at UCLA. I start at Montana State University next semester. I toured over there Saturday."

"You made a decision that quick?" I nodded.

"I want out of California. It's complicated family stuff. I'll still visit around the holidays though." I say looking around. I avoided Anthony for a reason, he was going to be hurt the most.


The dinner went well until I explained that I was moving. I explained everything to them, throwing lies in here and there until that asked about Cody.

"Why did you hold Cody for a couple days?" My dad asked. "Don't you know how reckless that is?"

"It's because I still love him. I guess I never completely got over him." I told them. "I just want to get out of California for a bit." I explained. "Its not like I'll never be back."

"Hayley-" my dad started but I cut him off.

"If I don't like it I'll work at the hospital until I pay you off. I'll work and help, please just let me go." I begged. My parents exchanged worried looks as Elijah just studied my face.

"We will talk it over." My mom said before the left shortly after. I gathered my things and made my way out of his apartment.

"Hayley-" Elijah said grasping my arm to stop me.

"What Elijah? Did you come to interrogate me some more? That's all you did during this dinner."

"Hayley I'm your brother-"

"Your also a cop." I said coldly and he looked taken back.

"I give my life for this job." He fought back. I knew this was true, I didn't show it but one day Elijah could never come home from his job.

"I just wish we could go back to how it used to be"I confess my shoulder slumping as I placed my things on his kitchen counter. "Before Cody escaped. Heck, even before I even laid eyes on him. We used to be so close. What happened?"

"You can tell me anything Hayley, you know that." He said softly I'm sure under that blue uniform he missed our close relationship.

"Can I really?" I ask. "You don't trust me anymore how do I know that your not going to write down everything I tell you and turn me in?" I ask. He stopped and thought about it his hand on his hip just shy from his hand gun. I didn't think he ever took the uniform off.

"So you do know where Cody is?" He concluded finally and I laughed, pushing my hair back out of my face.

"Do you even hear yourself? I. Don't. Know. Where. Cody. Is." I said slowly. "God I just wish you could turn off Detective Emerson and be Elijah sometimes."

"I'm still the same person. I love you Hayley but," he stopped and took a deep breath. "I'm just trying to protect you. It's hard knowing you don't need me to walk you to class because of a stupid high school bully. It hard knowing that your not so little anymore."


"I know you just turned twenty. Please just know you can tell me anything." He pleaded.

"You-I'll see you later Elijah." I say stopping myself from arguing with him.

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