Beca Wears Chloe's Clothes AU

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Beca came downstairs earlier than usual, earlier meaning it was 8am and Beca didn't get out of bed until 12 on a Saturday. They had gone out the night before, and the empty living room confirmed her suspicions that all the Bellas were still sleeping off a hangover. Though she wasn't alone for long. Stacie was the first to emerge, heavy footsteps pounding down the stairs completed with groans and a hand clasped to her head. Once she caught sight of Beca, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Why are you the one who's up first?" Stacie placed herself on one of the seats connected to the kitchen island. "And why are you wearing that?"

Beca looked down, noticing the long plaid shirt that was draped around her body. It went past her thighs and covered her shorts, looking like she was barely wearing anything underneath.

At the question, she blushed. "Oh I just picked it up off the floor." She turned away to grab a box of cereal from the cupboard, hiding her burning face. Lucky for her Stacie brushed it off, unlucky for her Amy was the next one to make her way downstairs.

"Nice shirt shortstack, did you go to a gay vintage fair or something?"

Beca spluttered, almost choking on her cereal. "W-what no, this is my shirt. I've always had this shirt."

Both Stacie and Amy looked at her, but didn't question the girl any further. Beca was regretting her decision to put this on, wondering why she hadn't just gotten something from her wardrobe.

Next to grace them with her presence, was Chloe herself. She came bounding down to the kitchen, acting like she hadn't downed 3 tequila shots in a row last night, making her way straight over to Beca who was struggling to keep eye contact.

"Morning all. Hey Becs, sleep well?" Her tone was suggestive, and Beca cursed under her breath at the sound.

She nodded, not trusting her voice to give a decent reply. She was staring at Chloe, at her post...sleep look, wondering how she could look so gorgeous so early. When Chloe caught her leering, she just winked causing the heat to rise in Beca's cheeks yet again.

Beca remained silent, listening in to Chloe and Stacie's conversation but not contributing. However the attention was diverted when Emily appeared, looking more rested than all of them put together, given that she was still too young to go out.

"Morning guys."

She received a grumble of noises in response, but as she stopped in her tracks staring at Beca, Beca found her voice.

"What's up Legacy?"

"That's Chloe's shirt."

She froze, eyes darting over to Chloe who looked like she was hiding behind her mug of coffee.

"No it's not." It came out rushed, and Beca wasn't doing a good job at keeping her composure.

"Yes it is. I saw her wearing it two days ago."

Beca cursed inwardly, thats why it was on her floor.

"It might be a similar one, I do have quite a few plaid shirts." Beca laughed, trying to cover her racing heartbeat and panicked eyes.

"No it's definitely that one. I recognise the pattern, it's the exact same." Emily pointed towards her shirt, causing Stacie and Amy to turn their full attention towards the brunette.

Beca was glancing over at Chloe, silently pleading for her to jump in, to save her. It was lucky the redhead was staring in her direction, expression more amused than Beca would've preferred.

"Come on guys, she's gay, I'm bi. The chances of us having the same shirt is-"

"O-m-aca-g." Everyone glanced towards Stacie who's mouth was gaped open. "You guys slept together!"

Beca immediately began sputtering, trying to think of any argument that could beat Stacie's accusations. But her hesitation wasn't doing her any favours, along with Chloe's sickly sweet smile.

"No we didn't." Beca's voice was raised.


"Fine, we did."

Beca spun around to face Chloe, almost scoffing at her words. "Chlo! I thought we weren't gonna tell just yet." The last part was whispered, easily so as Chloe had edged closer to her so their shoulders were touching.

"Come on Becs, you're wearing my shirt and practically nothing else, one of them would've clocked on sooner or later. You look good in my clothes by the way." She winked again, and Beca dropped her head in embarrassment.

"I can't believe you told them" She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest in a child-like manner.

Chloe just rolled her eyes. "I mean, not gonna lie one of them probably heard you. You were pretty loud."

She was met with wolf whistles from the Bellas, some of whom had joined the group later on at the announcement of their late night activities. Beca just buried her face into Chloe's shoulder, not wanting to look at any of them. Chloe just laughed, kissing the top of Beca's head which made her heart soar.

"You, Chloe Beale, are insatiable."

"I wasn't last night."

Somehow, instead of seeing the compliment in Chloe's statement, she focused on the never ending hoots and hollars coming from the group in front of them.

"Oh shut up I'm going back upstairs." Chloe grazed her hip as Beca walked past, causing an idea to pop up in her mind. She stopped half way up the stairs, before she went out of sight, and turned towards Chloe. "You coming baby?" Her tone was sultry, and she swore she saw Chloe spit out her coffee a little.

The redhead practically ran the distance between them, grabbing Beca's hand and dragging them up to her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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