Valentines Day - HSAU

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"Chlo, you've gotta calm down. I don't get why you're so excited about Valentine's Day anyway, it's just something that makes single people feel bad about themselves."

Chloe rolled her eyes and ignored her friend's pessimistic thinking, but inside she was disappointed that Beca felt that way. For a reason even Chloe herself was still unsure of.


She arrived at school, on Valentine's Day, with an extra splash of red in her outfit that matched her hair. Beca wasn't by her locker, so Chloe figured she was running late. She turned the combination, opening it to grab her books for first period, but when she did something else caught her eye. A letter had been placed with caution on top of her Geography textbook, and Chloe took it out to read it over.

Dear Chloe
Happy Valentine's Day
Here's a little adventure for you.
To find the next letter
Just follow Cupid's arrows.

Lifting her head back up, Chloe saw a few paper arrows stuck on lockers further down. Wondering how she hadn't noticed them earlier, she followed the instructions and continued along the line of arrows.

She reached homeroom not soon after, and as she stepped through the classroom door she saw a letter taped to the front of her desk. Her excitement had doubled since she'd arrived at school.

Dear Chloe
You've found it!
Now the next is simple,
All you've got to do
Is shoot some hoops.

It took her a second, but Chloe practically skipped to the gymnasium, knowing what she was looking for. And sure enough, dangling from a string attached to the basketball net, was the next letter. It was strung far down enough for Chloe to reach.

Dear Chloe
I'm afraid this is the last letter.
I know you want to get to the end,
So come join me where it all began.
The music can't wait.

At the last sentence, she felt her heart skip a beat. It was all coming together, all starting to make sense, but a part of her still didn't believe it.

Chloe didn't hesitate to run down the halls, weaving through corridors and ignoring the stares of numerous students. But when she reached the music room, she paused, hand outstretched but frozen. She gave herself a second, before pushing her way through, gasping at the sight that graced her eyes. Beca was stood in the centre, a rose in her hands, and when Chloe glanced behind her best friend she saw the piano covered in paper hearts.

Beca's cheeks were tinted red, increasing as Chloe took tentative steps towards her. Once the distance between them had almost vanished, Beca's arm outstretched and Chloe took the rose in her grasp.

"Chloe Beale. Will you be my valentine?"

Chloe brought a hand up to her mouth, and the worry on Beca's face seemed to seep away when Chloe's eyes became clouded.

"You did all this, for me? Beca, you hate Valentine's Day." Chloe was still trying to process it all.

"But you love it, and I saw how sad you looked every time I'd spew some nonsense about how the day was only created for businesses to make profit from. So, I thought I'd do this." Chloe heard someone clear their throat in the background, and Beca rolled her eyes. "And Jesse helped me a bit with it all. Hey Jesse you can go now!"

Chloe giggled as he ran past them out of the room, winking at Chloe. She turned back to Beca who was still grinning, and Chloe thought this must've been the longest she'd seen the girl smiling at one given time.

"What do you say Beale?"

"Yes Beca, of course I'll be your valentine."

Chloe caught Beca as she leaped forward into a hug, spinning the smaller girl around in circles until she demanded Chloe put her down. Though when they pulled apart, neither had smiled so widely before in their lives.

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