First Date HSAU

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Beca didn't usually get nervous. She didn't get that panic inducing feeling under pressure, or in uncomfortable situations like conversations with her Dad. She had repressed that part of herself long ago, and therefore was not used to feeling a rising level of sickness in her stomach as the butterflies didn't go away.

Chloe, was sat in the seat next to her. Beca in the drivers seat, with Chloe as her passenger, and her date. Well, more like hopefully soon to be girlfriend but she didn't want to get her hopes too high. Beca had just driven back from the restaurant, dropping Chloe back off at home before she'd drive herself back to her own house, where the only thing that would consume her thoughts would be a stunning redhead.

The ignition had been turned off, leaving them in silence without the steady rumble of the vehicle. Beca let out a breath, turning her head so she could see more of Chloe.

"I had a really good time tonight."

Chloe smiled. "Me too."

Beca remembered asking Chloe out. Jesse had psyched her up all day at school, convincing her that it would be a great idea, that of course Chloe would say yes. The preppy cheerleader was way out of Beca's league, in her mind, and she had an escape plan running through her brain right up until the moment the words came out of her mouth. All in one go, a rush, so much so that Chloe hesitated for a few seconds whilst she processed the information. Beca had almost run away, before Chloe flung her arms around Beca's neck, declaring she'd love to go out with her.

Beca, had been floating on air.

But that moment, led to this moment. A nervous one. Beca didn't get nervous, but it seemed that she got nervous around Chloe. Who wouldn't? She could feel her stomach starting to turn as Chloe stared at her. Beca felt the pressure, am I supposed to hug her, kiss her? Walk her to her door?

Luckily for her, it was as if Chloe read her mind.

"You don't have to kiss me, I know that's like what people do at the end of date's. But this is only our first one, and hopefully won't be our last?"

It was a rare sight to see Chloe unsure, putting her heart on the line like that. Beca found herself reaching for Chloe's hand across the centre console, intertwining their fingers and Chloe let out a small chuckle at the interaction.

"I still can't believe you agreed to come on this date with me." Beca said in disbelief, watching as Chloe's eyes softened.

"How could I say no? You're gorgeous Becs, and you're smart, funny, sarcastic as hell which I love. Sexy-"

"You think I'm sexy?"

"That's what you got from that?" Chloe laughed, and Beca just blushed in response. "Yes, definitely sexy."

Chloe leaned closer, her seatbelt had been undone minutes prior, giving her the room she needed to reduce the space between her and Beca.

"I don't know what I'm doing." Beca's voice dropped in volume as her eyes flickered down to Chloe's lips.

"Is that the fun part of life? Taking a few risks. Who knows what the outcome may be?"

Whilst she spoke, her hand moved to cup Beca's cheek, thumb brushing over her skin as she encouraged the girl even closer to her.

Beca closed her eyes and leant forward, capturing Chloe's lips in a gentle kiss. Though it was slow to start, Chloe's input made it passionate in a matter of seconds. Beca's hand curled around Chloe's waist, and though the angle was awkward and their noses bumped together more times than she would've liked, it was perfect.

Heavy breaths filled the car, steamed up the windows as they separated.

"That was..." Beca trailed off, getting lost in Chloe's gaze.


Beca chuckled, landing back against the drivers seat, head still tilted towards Chloe.

"You're a great kisser."


Beca blushed again at that, and though the nerves had dissipated, they were replaced with an uncontrollable sensation of butterflies.

Chloe broke the moment of silence that had settled over them. "I should probably head inside. Thank you for tonight."

She pressed a quick kiss to Beca's cheek, opening the car door and hopping out into the street. Chloe circled round, passing the drivers window where she gave Beca a wave, Beca reciprocated, before she headed up the drive to her door.

Beca's gaze didn't leave Chloe until she went out of sight, only then did she let out a deep breath, running a hand through her hair. She smiled to herself, not believing that entire evening had just happened.

She was about to set off when her phone pinged in her lap, Chloe's name appearing on the screen.

Chloe: Missing you already ;) xxx

Beca smirked, typing out a quick reply before she drove away.

Beca: I'll see you tomorrow Beale

Her thumbs hovered over the screen for a few seconds, before adding to her text.

Beca: Missing you already too x

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