Fake Dating - AU

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It hadn't been Beca's idea to go out, in fact she had been dragged out by her roommate Amy, claiming the girl needed to see more of the world than the inside of her apartment. So, due to Beca's stubborn nature, she was adamant about having a boring time in order to convince Amy not to force her past the front door ever again. She was sat by the bar, drawing lines on the condensation of her glass, when someone took the seat next to her.

"Hey, the name's Jesse." He held out his hand but Beca just stared at it, perplexed. The lack of movement caused him to retract his arm and instead sent a kind grin Beca's way, though she didn't reciprocate.

"Not interested." She lifted the drink to her lips, hoping Jesse would click on that she didn't want him there. Beca didn't seem to be having much luck.

"Come on, what if I buy you a drink?" Beca lifted up hers to his eye-line.

"Already got one, thanks." She resisted the urge to roll her eyes when he still tried to make conversation. "Look dude, I'm not interested okay? So can you just back off and-"

"Hey babe, sorry I'm a bit late. I got caught up in work, anyway that doesn't matter I'm here now." Beca turned her head to the woman now standing beside her, almost recoiling in shock when the woman's lips brushed against her cheek. She was average height, taller than Beca which wasn't difficult, with bright red hair and piercing blue eyes that Beca found herself lost in for a moment or two.

Confusion lined her face, before she realised exactly what the woman was doing, and made a mental note to thank her once Jesse had disappeared.

"Who's this?" The woman motioned to Jesse who's eyes had shot open and was currently trying to wiggle his way out of the situation.

"He was just leaving." Beca's gaze didn't leave hers, but she could see Jesse hop off the bar stool and slink away into the crowd in her peripheral vision.

The woman giggled at Beca's sigh of relief once he had disappeared. "Wow, can't thank you enough for that." She watched as the woman took the seat next to her, and Beca found herself enjoying the company a lot more.

"Anytime, besides you looked super uncomfortable and no one should be in a situation like that. I'm Chloe by the way." The name suited her, and Beca liked the way it sounded on her tongue.

"It's nice to meet you Chloe, I'm Beca." She found herself looking Chloe up and down shamelessly, loving the way her dress shaped her figure.

"Well Beca, I think we're going to be very fast friends, what do you think?" Beca was running on liquid confidence, and Chloe's bold personality made her feel all the more positive about her next sentence.

"Oh I think we're gonna be more than that."

Judging on the way Chloe's breath hitched, lip caught between her teeth, Beca knew she'd said the right thing.

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