Beca The Songwriter AU

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"Beca, you're gonna be late for class, wake up!"

Chloe knocked on her door, ear pressed against the wood to listen for any movement. When she heard none, Chloe barged her way through into the room, tutting under her breath when she saw the still sleeping Beca.

"Beca, wake up sleepy head." She spoke softer this time, making her way over to the girl who was curled up under her duvet.

Beca began to stir and her nose crinkled up as Chloe tapped her, burying herself even further beneath the covers. Chloe rolled her eyes, knowing how much Beca liked her sleep. She sat down on the bed, hoping the dip would rouse the girl, but if anything she fell into a deeper sleep. Whilst she thought of other tactics, Chloe's gaze flickered around the room, and it didn't take long for her focus to land on something. On Beca's nightstand was an open notebook, and on the top line of the page, was Chloe's name. Highlighted in fact, following below were...lyrics? Chloe only assumed, chords littered around the page.

She reached out to brush her fingers along the indented words, a few eraser shavings still on the paper. Though her heart began to thud even harder after reading each word, she didn't manage to get the whole way through before it was snatched from under her nose, and slammed shut. Beca must've noticed her silence and became curious, panic rising in her chest when she saw Chloe reading her notebook.

"I-I..." Beca stuttered, unsure of what to say. She didn't know whether to hide, or yell at Chloe to get out her room. "You shouldn't be reading that." She found her voice in the end.

"I'm sorry Becs, I just saw my name and got curious." Chloe sighed. "Was it a song?"

"It doesn't matter." She was being defensive, Chloe knew, she also knew it was in her best interest to let it go. But Chloe could be as stubborn as Beca at the best of times.

"Tell me." Her eyebrow raised but Beca just groaned in response, pulling the covers over her face, which Chloe quickly dragged back. "Beca, did you write a song for me?"

"Maybe." It was muffled, hard to decipher but Chloe had good hearing. "But you're not hearing it." She sounded like a child, though Chloe knew how protective Beca was of her things.

"Not even if I tickle you?"

Beca gave Chloe an incredulous look. "Chlo, I'm not a child."

A thought hit her, it was risky, but Chloe knew it would get her attention. "Not even if I kiss you?"

Beca stiffened, sitting upright against the headboard, watching Chloe's expression turn into a smirk.

Chloe knew her suspicions were right. It was clear to her, and most of the Bellas, that Beca had been crushing on Chloe for a while. Evident through the little gestures, or simply through the way she looked at her. Chloe knew, because she looked at Beca the exact same way. By proposing a kiss, she knew she'd hit the nail right on the head.

"Chloe..." Beca breathed, raspy from her tired state.

Instead of replying, Chloe captured Beca in a kiss, making the brunette recoil for a second before she pushed back against Chloe's lips. It was slow, and gave Beca time pull Chloe onto the bed with her. When they pulled apart, Chloe was lying on top of her, and Beca had to take a second to pinch herself, wondering how there could be a girl as gorgeous as Chloe, hovering above her right in that moment.

"So..." Chloe was the first to speak, breathless. "You gonna show me that song now?" She bit her lip and Beca couldn't help but trail her gaze down from Chloe's eyes.

"I don't know, I think I might need a bit more convincing."

"Looks like we're both going to be late for class then."

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