Chloe Has A Baby - AU

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Beca was the first out of the Bella's to hold Chloe's new baby. She had rushed to hospital with her, the circulation in her hand becoming non-existent as Chloe's grip tightened second by second. She was there when the room was filled by Chloe's cries, and when they were replaced with the cries of another.

Chloe had collapsed in an instant, eyes already fluttering shut as she lay, exhausted. So the midwife had handed the baby to Beca, who panicked before she looked down in the eyes of the newborn. So blue they could only be Chloe's child.

"It's a girl."

Beca knew Chloe didn't care, as long as the baby came out healthy. But the thought of a mini version of Chloe running around, warmed her heart. Beca took her gaze off the baby, staring at the redhead who's breathing had begun to level out, but who's eyes were still shutting on occasion. Beca looked at her best friend, the girl who was the love of her life but oblivious to that.

When Chloe first told her she was pregnant, Beca's heart sank. Not because the thought of Chloe having a baby broke her apart, it was the thought of Chloe having a baby with someone that wasn't her. But Chicago didn't stick around, so Beca replaced him. She was the one who took 3am trips to the 24 hour supermarket to get Chloe her frozen yoghurt. She was the one to give out back and feet rubs whenever Chloe wanted, the one who calmed her down during her mood swings. When even legacy was afraid to go near her. Beca was that person, and her love still went unnoticed by Chloe. Beca thought she preferred it that way.

An hour later, Chloe was fast asleep and Beca was still by her side, the baby in her arms like it had been for the past 15 minutes.

"Hey little one." They had discussed names, but Chloe insisted she had to see her baby first before she named them. And Beca was waiting for the redhead to wake up again to decide on a name.

"My name is Beca, and that gorgeous woman over there is your Mommy." She titled the baby towards Chloe, her heart thudding beneath her chest every time she thought about how delicate the bundle in her arms was. "She is the most amazing person you will ever meet, and I've got to say I think you're the luckiest baby." The baby gurgled and Beca let out a soft laugh. "Yes you are. You're gonna love your Mommy so much, because it's so easy to love her. And she's going to love you more than anything else in this world."

Beca was fixated on the baby, so much so she had neglected to notice that Chloe was now wide awake and taking in every word she was saying. "And even though I'm just Aunt Beca or whatever, I promise to look after you no matter what. Because I think I love you already, even though I've only known you for like an hour. And I promise to sing to you, because we both know your Mom will make me do that." Beca reached down to kiss the baby's forehead, and Chloe's eyes began to brim with tears at the sight. It was a sniffle that startled Beca from her actions, her mind backtracking as she saw Chloe, awake.

"Beca." She breathed out, lost for words.

"Sorry I was you can have her back." Beca passed the baby over to Chloe, who held her like she'd been holding babies for years, so natural. Motherhood was instant for Chloe, and Beca was lucky enough to see it first hand.

"She's so beautiful." Chloe grinned, brushing a thumb over the baby's cheek.

"Well, she gets it from you."

At that comment, the baby began to fuss. Face scrunching up as if she was going to cry, though Chloe just began to giggle. "I think she's got some of your grumpy attitude Beca." Chloe used her soothing voice and soon the baby had settled back down.

"That's impossible Chlo." Though it was said lightly, it made Beca's heart pang.

"Is it?" Beca's eyebrows furrowed at that, so Chloe continued. "She's every bit your baby too Becs, if you want her to be?"

She could tell Chloe was putting her heart on the line, the worried expression gracing her face told her all she needed to know. But Beca didn't think she'd smiled so wide in her entire life when Chloe said that. The sight bringing comfort to the redhead, who reciprocated her grin.

"Beca, you were the one who took care of me throughout all this. Made sure I was eating right, read way too many baby books to the point where you can recite entire passages. You took me to the doctors whenever we were worried about anything, you sang to her when she was kicking too much. I could go on forever Becs."

Beca blushed, ducking her head and brushing it all off. "That's just what best friends do."

"No, Beca. That's what parents do." The realisation hit her harder than she expected.

"You want me to be..." She was too scared to say it, afraid she'd misinterpreted the entire situation.

"More than anything." Beca nodded, and they said nothing more. Instead they stared down at the baby, watching her every move. The smiles on their faces didn't relent, and Beca found herself moving even closer to Chloe until she was practically lying next to her on the bed.

"So...what are we gonna name her?"

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