Pride AU

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It was Beca's first pride parade since she came out to Stacie, and to say she was nervous was an understatement. Being out and proud wasn't her forte just yet, so as the celebration began, Beca's knuckles were turning white from the grip she had on the rainbow flag in her hands.

Stacie had bought them earlier on in the day, buying a much bigger one for herself which Beca insisted she didn't want and instead settled for the miniature version.

"Come on Becs lighten up! This is pride after all." Stacie nudged her, but Beca's posture remained stiff as they walked.

"It's just, people are looking at me." She whispered.

"Of course they're looking at you, you're hot. It would be weird if they weren't." Stacie spoke a little too loud, and it made Beca cringe as a few heads turned in their direction.

Beca thought things were running rather smoothly, until a group of protesters emerged and placed themselves along the side of the parade, making sure everyone saw their banners.

Beca moved herself even closer to Stacie, wishing the crowd would move quicker so they could get past them. Their shouts and cries were making Beca regret even taking part, and she wished she was back in her room, headphones on, blocking out the rest of the world.

"Hey, wanna piss them off?" Beca stopped walking when a voice from her left interrupted her from her thoughts.

She turned and her breath caught in her throat, the girl stood mere inches away was positively stunning, and Beca had to shake her head to come up with a proper sentence. "I-I'm sorry, what?"

Stacie had stopped alongside her, a smirk gracing her lips at the sight. Though she knew exactly what was going on, Beca didn't have a clue.

"Wanna rile them up a little? It's fun, I swear." The giggle that left the girl had Beca's knees shaking.

"And how would we do th-"

Beca didn't get to finish her sentence, instead she felt the girl's lips pressing against hers. The shouts that were elicited from the protesters almost made her pull back, but when the girl snaked her hands around Beca's waist, suddenly she didn't care any more.

She melted into her, running her fingers through the girl's red hair. It wasn't Beca's first kiss with a girl, but it was most definitely the best. Beca's eyes remained shut even when they pulled apart, only opening at the sound of another giggle from the girl. The protestors had faded into the background, drowned out by the hoots and hollars from the crowd, making Beca smile.

"That was...." She struggled to find the right words, still lost in the girl's blue eyes.

"Awesome right? We should totally do that again sometime." The girl brought out a pen from her shorts pocket, turning Beca's hand and writing her number on her palm. Beca just stood, not sure how to react, watching with intent as the girl's tongue poked out a little past her lips whilst she wrote.

"There we go, I'm Chloe by the way."

"Beca." She was still fazed and was wondering how Chloe seemed to be acting so normal after a kiss like that.

"Well Beca, I expect a text from you later today. Until then." She leaned in, and Beca couldn't tell if she was disappointed or thrilled when Chloe kissed her cheek.

She disappeared back into the crowd not soon after, leaving Beca to question whether that had actually happened or not. Luckily, she had a witness standing right next to her. Stacie whistled.

"Damn Beca, what a catch."

Beca just stared at the digits on her hand, smirking as she did. "I know, she's amazing."

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