Clumsy Beca + Secretly Dating Chloe AU

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The first time Chloe overreacted was during rehearsal. They were using blocks, albeit ones close to the ground, when Beca lost her footing on one of them. It was a simple dance move really, one that Chloe had repeated for her to copy, thought it wasn't her fault that Beca's attention wasn't on the sequence and instead was on Chloe's tight fitting athletic wear. Beca performed what she thought was the move, lost her balance and came crashing down onto the auditorium floor. Thought the fall wasn't from a great height, it didn't stop Chloe from freaking out.

"Oh my god Becs are you okay!? Oh god are you hurt, can you sit up!? Does anyone know first aid!?"

Beca opened her eyes to Chloe's panicked expression, smiling as her hand was drifting up and down her arm in comfort. "Chloe I'm okay, breathe."

She helped Beca sit up, her eyes still widened with panic. "Are you sure!?"

"Yes, it's probably just a bruise. I'm good, honestly." She tried not to laugh at Chloe's antics, thought the sight of her (secret) girlfriend fussing over her was one she loved.

The other Bella's weren't aware of their budding romance, though Chloe wasn't helping them keep it under wraps. They were all eyeing the interaction with curiosity, and despite stepping closer to Beca once she had fell, no one reacted in the way Chloe did. They saw the look exchanged between the two, though decided not to comment.

Beca was up not soon after, practising the moves like nothing had happened, under the careful watch of Chloe and ultimately the rest of the Bella's.


The second time Chloe overreacted, was in the Bella's kitchen. A surprisingly good chef Beca Mitchell, was cooking over the stove, Chloe hovering nearby as she gazed at Beca with an adorned expression. The brunette had warned Chloe about her leering, especially in the presence of the Bellas, but it seemed their attention rested on the TV so they were in the clear.

"You look so good when you cook baby." Chloe's voice was low and very close to Beca's ear.

She shivered before sending a smirk in her direction. "And you are supposed to be keeping us a secret."

Chloe bit her lip and Beca's attention was diverted, meaning that when the hot water boiled over, she didn't notice and was subject to a few spots on her hand.

"Shit, that's hot." She jumped away from the stove, drawing her hand in towards her body.

"Oh god are you burnt!? Do you need an ice pack, I'll get you an ice pack!" Chloe rushed over to the freezer whilst Beca was trying to calm her attempts.

"Hey, what happened?" Stacie's voice interrupted them, but Chloe was too quick to reply.

"Beca burnt herself! Here ba-Beca put that on your hand." Instead of giving it to Beca herself, Chloe pressed down the pack of frozen peas onto Beca's hand, pulling the brunette closer as she did.

"Chloe it's just a few spots of water, it's not going to blister or anything." She looked at Chloe with soft eyes, not caring if half the Bella's were taking in their interaction.

"B-but you're hurt."

Beca would've reached up to brush her thumb along Chloe's cheek in comfort, if they didn't have an audience.

"I'm much better now." Her eyes darted down to Chloe lips and she cursed inwardly. Sometimes, Beca hated that she couldn't just kiss Chloe whenever she wanted, but the thought of doing so, of everyone knowing, still terrified her.


The third time Chloe overreacted, and which would be the last without the Bella's not understanding why, Beca's guitar string snapped.

She was playing aimlessly in the living room, the volume below the Bella's conversations. Chloe was sat beside her, watching her play and not taking her eyes away for a second. She plucked a string, perhaps too hard, and the already dodgy string snapped, hitting the side of her face. Beca recoiled in shock, and the sound caused every head to turn towards her.

"Beca!" Chloe pulled the guitar from her grasp and placed it with care on the ground, she cupped Beca's cheeks in her hands, careful to avoid the struck area of skin. "Where does it hurt baby!? Are you okay!?" The pet name slipped out without a second thought, and Chloe only registered she said it when Emily piped up.

"I knew it! You two are dating!"

Chloe began stuttering, trying to cover herself up. She knew Beca wasn't ready, and so the guilt began to rise in her stomach at the thought of outing her girlfriend before she was ready. "W-what!? No we're not, why would you even think-"

"Yes, we are." Beca interrupted her, and Chloe's face went from shock to surprise to happiness in less than a few seconds.

She heard mumbles from the Bella's, but they all equated to background noise as Chloe wasn't paying them any attention.

"You told them." She breathed out, still not believing the words that had come from her girlfriend.

"I did. I hated that you had to hide who you were because of me, and I was tired of hiding us. I want people to know that you're my girlfriend, I want to be able to kiss you whenever I want and not care about who see's, I want-"

Her speech didn't last much longer when Chloe launched towards her and pressed their lips together in a searing kiss. Beca's hands went to Chloe's waist on instinct, and she smiled into the kiss when she heard the wolf whistles from the rest of the Bella's. She tilted her head and Chloe almost whimpered at the new angle, pushing herself even further into Beca.

"Alright alright just because you're out in the open doesn't mean we wanna see that." Amy spoke up. "You're going to scar legacy."

They pulled apart, Beca's smile still wider than ever as she stared at Chloe with such love in her eyes. Chloe giggled at the sight, cuddling into Beca's side as they relaxed on the couch. But Beca was startled as Chloe sat bolt upright.

"Wait, are you still okay though?"

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