USO Stage AU

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"Beca, where are we?"

Beca had her hands covering Chloe's eyes as they walked forward, she trusted her girlfriend though her curiosity was increasing by the second.

"Patience Chlo, just a few more steps and...boom here we are."

She withdrew her fingers, allowing Chloe's eyes to flutter open and take in the sight before her. Once she had, she gasped.

"Oh my god, the USO stage? This is where you sung Freedom, this is where it all started come on Becs!"

"Actually Chlo the showers were where it all...never mind she's gone."

Chloe ran up the steps, making her way to centre stage and twirling around, making sure to soak up everything. Beca joined her not long after, intertwining their hands and kissing the back of Chloe's.

"How come you brought me here?"

They had taken a small road trip around the country, but really it was all part of Beca's plan to get her here. There was a reason behind it, so thought out she swore she'd never forget any detail, but Chloe was worth it.

"Just thought it would be a nice little addition to our trip. This place has..." Beca let out a deep breath. "A lot of memories."

"The end of the Bellas."

"But the beginning of a family."

Chloe grinned, pressing her lips against Beca's in a sweet short kiss. Beca peered past Chloe's shoulder, making the redhead turn out.

"Isn't that the side of the stage I came out from?"

Chloe took a few steps towards it, her mind racing back to the moment she saw Beca walk out on stage for DJ Khaled. She remembered how fast her heart was beating, how proud she was of Beca.

"You've come so far Bec...." She trailed off, every word getting caught in her throat the moment she saw Beca.

Beca was down on one knee, a velvet box opened in her hands with a diamond ring placed in the centre. She was beaming up at Chloe, who had covered her mouth in shock.

"First of all, I think you mean we've come so far, but that's not what I'm here to say so. Chloe, I took you back here for a reason. Because this is the place where I realised how much I loved you, how much I needed you."

Her hand had moved to her chest, and Chloe was trying to steady her breaths, eyes already clouded over.

"I saw you kiss Chicago and made me feel terrified. Because the thought of losing you to someone else, scared me more than standing on this stage and singing in front of that entire crowd. You mean everything to me Chloe, and I knew I had to have you. I couldn't risk wondering my entire life, what could've happened if I'd just told you I loved you. So I did that, I told you and you said it back and I'd never felt anything so amazing than that moment. Until I began to spend every day with you, because every day with you Chloe is incredible."

Chloe wanted to kneel down, to grab her and kiss her, but she had to let Beca finish.

"So, now that I've said that. Chloe Beale, I can't imagine a world where I don't get to call you my wife, so will you do me the honour of marrying me."

Beca had just completed her sentence when she felt Chloe throw her arms around her neck, breathing in the smell of Beca's apple shampoo. She could feel Chloe's tears on her neck, knowing they were filled with nothing but joy. When Chloe pulled back, she was grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm guessing that's a-"

"Yes. Yes of course I'll marry you, yes."

Beca slipped the ring onto Chloe's finger, thanking god that it was a perfect fit. Just like them, they were a perfect fit.

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