Teacher Chloe AU

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"You should come in and say hi to Miss. Beale."

Beca was dropping her son off at school, albeit a few minutes later than usual and she was running a bit behind. Though she was a well known producer at Residual Heat, it did not mean she was immune to the consequences of turning up late.

"Maybe another time buddy, Mom's running a little late today. Have a good day at school, okay?"

"Okay." Noah pouted and Beca felt the guilt settle in her stomach.

As she watched her son walk away, she felt like an awful parent. One that put work before her child, but she didn't have a choice. Beca slid back into the drivers seat, turned the ignition, speeding away in an attempt to arrive on time.


"Miss Beale really wants to meet you Mom."

They were getting ready to go out the door, when Noah set off another guilt bombshell within her. Stacie was taking him to school this morning because Beca had to get in early, they were starting a new album and it required all hands on deck.

"I know she does but I can't today. Aunt Stacie is going to drop you off at school and I'll be picking you up later." Beca pointed at her friend who was leaning on the kitchen counter.

Noah seemed to brighten up a little at the mention of Stacie, but Beca could tell he was still disappointed.

"Come on then Noah, let's get going." Stacie took Noah's hand, leading him out towards the car.

Beca threw her a thankful look before they drove away, getting in her own car and heading towards the studio.


It was Beca's day off, a rare one she had midweek meaning she could spend more time with her son. However, they had both managed to wake up late and were currently rushing around to get things ready for school.

"Have you got your bag? Lunch? Trainers for sport?"

"Yep yep yep!"

Noah was already by the front door as Beca struggled to pull on her shoes. They ran out to the car, Beca strapping Noah in before speeding off.

When they arrived, the school yard was empty, and Beca cursed under her breath at the sight. They were late, very late, and she knew she'd have to go in to see Noah's teacher.

"Looks like I'm gonna meet Miss Beale today bud."

Noah's eyes widened and he squealed in delight, starting to talk a mile a minute. "She's so nice, and she's real pretty too and she sometimes lets us stay out longer for recess if we're good."

Their shoes squeaked on the pristine hallway floors, and Beca let her son drag her along towards the classroom. Noah's voice echoed as he talked.

Beca had to stop from bumping into him as he stopped outside a classroom door. Beca let out a deep breath, knocking and waiting for Miss Beale to appear. When she did, Beca cursed herself for not meeting her sooner.

She was young, maybe not as young as Beca, but she was gorgeous. Her red hair stood out but not as much as her blue eyes. She was wearing a flowing dress that hugged her hips, and Beca shook her head as inappropriate thoughts began to rise in her mind.

"I'm sorry I'm late Miss Beale." Noah spoke up before his mom could, but the teacher just grinned down at him.

"That's okay sweetie, why don't you go inside and I'll just talk to your mom."

He nodded waving goodbye to Beca who did the same, watching him disappear out of sight.

"Look Miss Beale-"

"Please, call me Chloe."

Her voice was sweet, angelic, and Beca found herself clutching on to every syllable that came out her mouth. "Look, Chloe. We're not usually this late, we just lost track of time. I'm sorry if this has caused any inconvenience."

"Beca, is it okay if I call you Beca?" Beca nodded, not entirely sure how Chloe knew her name, but liking the fact that she did. "Like you said, Noah isn't usually late, rarely in fact. I think I can let this one slide." Chloe winked, causing heat to rise in Beca's cheeks. "I'm just glad to finally meet you, I've heard so much from Noah and yet we've never got the chance to say hi."

"Likewise. It's always Miss Beale this, and Miss Beale that. I swear that kid is in love with you." Beca chuckled, liking the smile she caused on Chloe's face.

"Well he loves you too. He never stops talking about how amazing his Mom is. Now I know why." She smirked, making Beca's mind fizzle with confusion.

Is Chloe, flirting with me?

"Anyway, I should get back to my class. See you at pick up?" Chloe bit her lip and Beca's gaze trailed down from her eyes.

"Oh I'll make sure of it."

Beca watched Chloe blush before saying her goodbyes and stepping back into the classroom. Once she had, a Beca leaned up against the wall, her legs feeling like jelly, with only one thought running through her mind.

Why the hell did I not meet Chloe sooner?

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