Detective AU Pt.2

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The lights in her hospital room were almost blinding, and Chloe found herself squinting the second she opened her eyes. She tried to shift in her position, but pain erupted in her stomach and she winced.

"Hey, don't try and move." It was Aubrey, her best friend. "The wound's quite big."

Chloe strained to look down, but her torso was covered in white bandages, a patch of red had seeped through but the blood was minimal. She didn't look over to her right until there was a sound of movement in the chair next to her bedside. Beca, Detective Mitchell, was curled up on the cushioned seat and Chloe felt herself smile at the sight.

"She's been there since you were brought in. I think she rode with you in the ambulance too. I told her to go home so she could rest, but Mitchell's always been so flipping stubborn."

Chloe let out a breath of laughter, but regretted it when her stomach began to throb once again. Almost as if Beca could sense Chloe's gaze, she stirred not soon after. Taking a moment before jumping up when she saw Chloe awake.
"Oh thank god, you're okay. How are you feeling?" Beca's hand reached out to brush the loose strands of hair that were splayed across Chloe's forehead. The mere touch made Chloe's eyelids flutter shut, sighing with content.

"I'm going to get a drink, want anything Chloe?" Aubrey stood up.

"Just some water, thanks." She smiled.

Aubrey nodded, squeezing Chloe's hand before exiting the room and leaving the two Detectives alone. Chloe's eyes immediately found their way back to Beca's, whose were brimming with tears.

"Beca. It's okay, I'm okay." She intertwined hers and Beca's fingers, pulling the brunette closer.

"I thought you were gonna...there was so much blood Chlo. I-I didn't know what to do." She was kneeling by the bedside at this point, situated eye-level for Chloe.

"I remember what you said, what we said. I know it's because you thought I don't regret it, do you?" There was doubt lacing her voice, and she dropped in volume for the last few words. Beca shook her head in a vigorous motion.

"No, never. I'd never regret saying that." Chloe smiled, so wide Beca thought it must've hurt. She let go of Beca and brought her hand up to brush against her cheek, wiping away any loose tears. Beca leaned into the touch, kissing Chloe's palm.

"I love you Chloe." Chloe's breath hitched, not ready for the raw emotion that rested in Beca's tone.

"I love you too. So much." Her eyes flickered down to Beca's lips, her motives so clear.

"I wanna take you out, on a date."

"Two cops on a date, we really are Jake and Amy aren't we?" Chloe giggled as Beca rolled her eyes.

"You and that show, you're obsessed!" But the way she said it was playful.

There was a moment of silence. "I'm not the dude, right?"

Chloe just laughed.

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