Detective AU Pt.1 - Angsty

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"Officer down! We have an Officer down!"

Beca heard it through the crackle of her radio, and for a split-second wondered if she'd imagined it instead. She'd heard gunshots further down the corridor and so began to make her way down, her partner sticking close by. If there was a shooter, they needed to be vigilant in every direction. There were over a dozen officers in that building in that moment, so the thought of it being the person who was running through her mind, made the bile rise up in her throat.

They barged through the door, guns up at eye level, but Beca's soon dropped once she saw the officer on the floor. Chloe.

She fell to her knees beside her, dragging her focus away from the blood oozing from her wound, another officer had their hands covering it, but the pressure wasn't enough. Beca caught Chloe's eye and the redhead tried to reach her, but the pain of movement stopped her from doing so.

"Oh god Chlo what happened?" Her thumb was brushing Chloe's cheek, trying to wipe away the tears.

"Suspect ran out of the bathroom, fired two shots right towards Detective Beale. Luckily only one hit her, unluckily it was below her vest. We didn't know he was armed."

Beca listened, but didn't take her focus off Chloe, watching as she took short sharp sporadic breaths, and Beca found herself biting her lip to keep the tears from rolling down her cheeks too. Chloe had been there on her first day, when they were beat cops, and had actually been her first partner. Though they had been transferred separately throughout their careers, five years ago they were moved to the same precinct. Beca had always felt something towards Chloe, something she was afraid of voicing. But it had become clearer and clearer in their time working together, that Chloe felt exactly the same.

At this point it was just a waiting game, and Beca was pretty sure the rest of their co-workers had bets placed on who would ask the other out first. She was broken from her thoughts when Chloe let out a cry, it broke Beca's heart and so she moved even closer to Chloe as comfort.

"Chlo, hey Chloe look at me." Beca saw her bright blue eyes flicker over to her. "You're gonna be just fine, okay? I promise. Because you're not dying on me, there's no way I'm letting you die. Just focus on breathing, and don't close your eyes. You've got to stay awake, stay awake for me."

A few officers had gathered around the scene, the chatter was the suspect had been caught, the building had been searched for others and had been found clean. They were all supposed to be making their way out, but Beca's speech had gained attention from a few. Though Chloe was the most beloved member of the force, it was guaranteed the officers were worried and wanted to make sure Chloe got in the ambulance okay.

"Detective Mitchell, Detective Swanson, the paramedics will be here in a few minutes."

Beca thanked the officer, and Jesse did the same. She wasn't in the same precinct as Jesse was, but she had been in the past. They were good friends, and Beca reminded herself to thank him endlessly after this was over. He hadn't relented on the pressure, so less blood was seeping out of her.

"B-Beca." She could tell it hurt Chloe to talk, so she tried to prevent her, but if the redhead wanted to say something she would. "Oh god it hurts. I'm sorry Becs." The pet name almost made her sob, almost.

"No, don't you dare apologise. This isn't your fault, this is that scumbags fault, and we got him. We caught him so you don't have to worry about anything, okay? You're gonna be just fine." She was believing herself less and less as each second ticked by, where the hell was that ambulance.

"But, if I'm not." Beca shook her head, not wanting to hear it. "I-I have to tell you something." The pain was getting too much, but Chloe grit her teeth so she could at least get the next sentence out.

"Chloe just, please just focus on brea-"

"I love you. I'm in love with you." Beca stayed quiet after that, allowing Chloe to talk, too shocked to say anything. "I'm sorry I didn't say it s-sooner, I was just scared t-that you might not love me back." Chloe's voice was getting quiet and quiet, and Beca wasn't about to watch Chloe die without telling her she loved her. She wasn't about to watch Chloe die, period.

"Chloe, of course I love you. How could I not? You're so perfect and beautiful, and I'm pretty sure I've been in love with you since our first day on the force." She could hear the sirens wailing in the distance and Beca proceeded to thank god before she continued talking. "And that is not going to be the first and last time I say that to you, the ambulance is almost here, you've just got to hold on, okay? Just a minute or two, that's it. You can do this Chlo I know you can."

Beca watched as the paramedics burst through the door, getting Chloe onto a stretcher and taking over Jesse with the pressure. Chloe was getting weaker and weaker, and Beca just prayed she would make it to the hospital in time.

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