Lecture Hall AU

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The first time Chloe sat next to Beca in the lecture hall, was the first day of College and she was running late. She had slept through both her alarm, and her back up, causing a 10 minute rush where she threw on the nearest clothes she could find, and sprinted to her class. It was lucky for her that her professor had barely begun talking, so she smiled a sheepish apology, and took the closest vacant seat. Right next to Beca.

When Beca had realised that the chair beside her was remaining empty, she thanked god that she didn't have to have two desk mates, enjoying the space she was given. But at the last minute a bubbly redhead had come bounding through the double doors, almost skipping her way up the rows and placing herself on the empty seat next to Beca. She would've glared, warned the girl off to go sit somewhere else, but Beca found herself entranced by the happiness that was radiating off her. Her anger dissipated, though she didn't utter a word to her all lecture.


It was about two weeks into the semester when Beca finally learned Chloe's name. She always seemed to be running late, so they didn't have the opportunity to exchange pleasantries by the time Chloe rocked up.

Though one particular empty day, where Beca and Chloe were the only two sat on the back row, the next student situated a few rows forward, they had the chance to talk.

"So, how come you're taking comparative literature? You don't seem to like it very much." Chloe whispered under her breath, head still facing forward towards the professor.

"I don't. My dad teaches it and he's making me take it, something about following in his footsteps. How did you know I don't like it?" Beca raised her eyebrow, turning towards the girl who had stopped taking notes for a moment.

"You never write anything down, and I'm pretty sure you've fallen asleep a few times."

Beca looked down at her notebook, and sure enough it was blank. "Check you out Sherlock. That doesn't make me Watson does it?"

Chloe held in a giggle at the girl's worried expression. "What's wrong with Watson? But no, it doesn't. You can be anything you want to be..." She realised it would be at that moment she would add in their name, but Chloe didn't know it. "Hey, I don't think we've actually exchanged names yet. I'm Chloe Beale."

"I'm Beca.

"Just Beca?" Beca shrugged. "Alright, nice to meet you just Beca."

It made her smile, Chloe made her smile. Which caused Chloe's own smile to reappear, or widen given the fact that Beca wasn't entirely sure if it had disappeared in the first place.

"We shouldn't be talking you know, if my dad finds out I wasn't paying attention in comparative literature...I'm in trouble." Beca smirked, and Chloe could tell she was joking.

"I'm sorry I'm such a bad influence. I just couldn't help it, you're too cute not to talk to."

She winked at Beca, causing the other girl's cheeks to flush red and she ducked her head back down towards her notebook. Chloe almost giggled at the sight, but remembered where they were.

The lecture seemed to pass rather quickly after that, their conversation ebbing and flowing in the remaining hour. Their professor dismissed them, and both girls sighed in relief.

"I guess I'll see you next lecture then." Beca felt awkward, it was the first time they had exchanged goodbyes, and she didn't know how to execute it.

"Or you could see me sooner." She grabbed a pen from the pencil case still on her desk and reached over to Beca's empty notebook.

When Chloe pulled away, there was a number written in the middle of the page. "There, now there's actually something useful in your notebook." Chloe put the rest of her things in her bag. "See you soon Becs."

She left Beca's mind whirring as she stared at the digits in front of her. Beca couldn't help but grin, a warm feeling settling in her stomach as she watched Chloe walk out, throwing her a glance before she did.

They were definitely going to see each other soon, if Beca had anything to do with it.

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