Treehouse AU - Pt.2

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Though the rule was strictly 'no talking about boys in the treehouse', the older they got the harder it was for them to stick by that. Or at least, the harder it was for Chloe to stick by that.

They'd made the rulebook when they were 9, and as 16 year olds some were more difficult to stick to than others. 'No arguing in the treehouse' had never been broken. Of course there had been arguments outside of the treehouse, but Beca and Chloe could never stay mad at each other for long.

"Tom asked me out on a date today." Chloe broke the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

Beca turned with rapid speed so she was facing Chloe, eyes wider than before. "What!? When did this happen? Why did you tell me?"

"I'm telling you now, and it only happened last period."

She was brushing it off, acting like it was no big deal and Beca didn't have a clue why. Tom had been her crush in the past, though Beca wasn't sure where he stood now, she was certain Chloe would snap up the chance if it ever came to her.

"Well, what did you say?" Beca's heart was thumping faster and louder than she would've liked. She labelled it as excitement, but deep down she knew it was the complete opposite.

"I said I'd think about it." At Beca's shocked impression, Chloe continued. "I know I used to like him, but I'm not sure if I do anymore. He's nice and all, but I think I'm falling for someone else." She trailed off at the end, dropping in volume and making Beca strain to hear her.

"Falling for someone else huh? And who is this mystery person?" Beca was used to plastering a fake smile on her face when they talked about Chloe's crushes, she had done for too long now. "Do I know them?"

"No, maybe." She wasn't looking Beca in the eye, which made her even more curious. Chloe was never shy about this stuff, notoriously so. "I'm not talking about this anymore. What about you, any guys on your radar?"

"No talking about boys in the treehouse Chloe, that's the rule." She smirked, knowing it would rile the redhead up.

"Oh stop, we broke that rule when we were 13. And you didn't say no, so...."

Beca could feel her pulse increase throughout her body, and the lump in her throat wouldn't go away. "Okay, I like someone. But..." As the words got caught in her throat, she started to feel sick. "They're not exactly....ummm....They're not exactly, a guy." Beca choked on the words, regretting them the second they slipped past her lips. "I'm gay, Chloe. I like, girls."

The silence that followed made Beca want the ground to swallow her up, or perhaps turn back time so she couldn't choose to never utter those words in front of her best friend. And though she was expecting a response, she wasn't expecting the one she got.

"Thank god!" Beca's eyebrows furrowed, mouth gaped open as words tried to stutter their way out, but Chloe carried on. "I'm bi!"

Beca's eyes widened ever further, if that was possible at this point. "Y-you are?"

"It feels good to tell someone doesn't it? Well now that's out of the way, you definitely have to tell me your crush now." Chloe giggled.

Beca was still in shock, and it took her a moment to catch on to what Chloe was asking her. When she did, she froze once again. Her gaze was locked on Chloe's, and she couldn't help but flicker her eyes down to Chloe's lips. She was running on adrenaline, from the high of telling Chloe and her response, her hands were shaking. If she could tell Chloe she's gay, she could tell her this.

"It's you. I-I have a crush on...on you."

She didn't care, she had just come out to Chloe and Beca felt like she could do anything. She waited for reality to come crashing down on her a few seconds later, but it never did. Instead, she watched as Chloe's breathing increased, hand reaching up to cup Beca's cheek before she leaned in and pressed her lips against hers.

Beca didn't hesitate to kiss her back, wrapping her arms around the redhead's waist and grazed the uncovered skin with her fingers. She could feel Chloe shiver against her, and when they pulled apart Beca leaned her forehead against hers. They were both out of breath, with wide smiles gracing their expressions.

"Looks like we won't have to talk about boys anymore." Chloe giggled, fiddling with a piece of Beca's hair.

"I knew I always liked that rule."

Short Bechloe One-ShotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat