Babysitting AU

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"Chloe she won't stop crying, what do I do if she won't stop crying!?"

Beca was bouncing lightly on her feet, Bella in her arms as the baby let out blood-curdling screams. It made her wince, the sound piercing her eardrums. Beca was lost, hopeless around babies. So Chloe just smiled, taking Bella from Beca's arms and cradling the baby until she settled down. It took a minute, maybe less, whilst Beca stared in awe at Chloe's skill.

"How did you do that?"

Chloe placed herself on the couch, Bella sound asleep against her chest. The baby had a hand curled in Chloe's hair and Beca swore she'd never seen anything so adorable, not that she'd admit it.

"Sometimes you've got to let babies cry. Let them get it out of their system, it's just lucky she was wearing herself out by the time I held her." Chloe's eyes followed Beca as she sat down beside her, head leaning to the side to keep sight of the brunette. "Besides Stacie told me she was a crier."

Beca rolled her eyes. "Of course she debriefed you, does she not remember how bad I am with kids."

"You're not bad with kids Becs, you're just not used to being around them. I have a big family so there's always little ones running around."

There was a moment of silence.

"Would you want a big family of your own one day?" Beca asked it with a lack of volume, maybe due to the panic rising in her chest at the thought of Chloe's response.

The redhead grinned, reaching a hand out to cover Beca's. "Maybe. You don't have to worry about those sorts of things just yet."

Chloe had a way of making Beca feel better about every situation she was in. No matter how minor, no matter how severe, Chloe could calm her nerves in a matter of seconds. It was one of the things she loved about the redhead so much, the innate sense of comfort she felt around her all the time.

"Because I don't know how good of a parent I'd be. I'm not good with kids Chlo."

Chloe sighed. "It's always different when it's your own. But if you don't want kids Beca, we don't have to have them. I don't want to force you into anything you don't want to do."

It was said with such love, that Beca almost missed the disappointment in her girlfriend's eyes. Depriving Chloe of motherhood was one of the cruelest things Beca thought she could do, and though she was apprehensive about having kids of her own, having them with Chloe was something else entirely. She decided not to breech the subject further.

"Theo said he'd call me at 7 about the new artist we have in on Monday. I promised I'd be waiting by the phone so I wouldn't miss it. I won't be long." Beca pressed her lips against Chloe's, brushing her thumb against the redhead's cheek as they pulled apart. She kissed the top of Bella's head before she headed to her room to take the call.


Beca had been gone for nearing half an hour when she made her way back into the living room.

"Hey Chlo, Theo was just-"

She stopped herself, thought process disappearing altogether as she took in the sight before her. Bella had woken up, her giggles loud and vibrant, and Chloe was spinning around the kitchen with her in her arms. Music was playing in the background, more specifically the playlist of songs Beca had contributed on. Chloe's grin was wide as she laughed with the baby, singing along to the lyrics that sounded from the speaker. Beca found herself overcome with emotion, heart increasing in pace. Her filter disappeared, and she blurted out her next sentence without a second thought.

"I want to have kids with you."

Chloe jumped a little at the sudden voice, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"But I thought you said-"

"I know. But seeing you with her, I can't stop thinking about that being our kid. I can picture it all in my mind like some sort of weird domestic fantasy, and it won't go away."

Chloe set Bella down in her high chair, reducing the distance between her and Beca down to nothing. She placed her arms around Beca's neck, pulling the girl close.

"Do you mean that?" Chloe breathed out, eyes flickering down at Beca's lips.

"Why does it turn you o-"

Chloe kissed her firmly, cutting her off and making Beca whimper. She pulled away from Chloe, resting her forehead on her's.

"Yes." Beca was breathless at that point. "I do. I want what Stacie and Aubrey have, I want that with you. You're everything to me Chloe."

Chloe could feel her eyes water at Beca's words, and she began to fiddle with the baby hairs at the back of Beca's neck.

"I don't think I could ever love anyone as much as I love you." Her voice cracked, and Beca wasn't expecting the level of emotion that Chloe embraced her with.

"Well Chlo, just wait until you meet our kid."

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