Treehouse AU - Pt.1

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"So, this is my treehouse!"

Beca's mouth gaped open at the sight. It was a beautiful glazed wooden house, with pink window frames and a flowery roof. It was situated in an old oak tree at the far corner of Chloe's garden.

Chloe took Beca's hand, making the girl smile in return. "Come on! You'll love it!"

She followed Chloe up the ladder, giving herself more time as she gained further and further off the ground. She was pulled up by her friend, eyes widening once again after she saw the interior. It was decked out in fairy lights, with bean bags covering the floor and a small TV in the corner. Chloe had numerous DVD's stacked up against the wall, Beca swore she'd never seen so many.

"This is so awesome! How did you get it?" Beca was still looking round, taking in every detail she could.

"My dad built it for my birthday." Chloe grinned, collapsing onto one of the cushions and pulling Beca down with her.

They fell into a fit of giggles and began to huddle up under the blankets as the cool night air set in. They had sleeping bags splayed out across the length of the floor, midnight snacks hidden, and the TV switched on, though neither were paying attention.

"This is so much fun! Isn't this fun Becs?" Chloe threw a piece of popcorn in her direction for Beca to try and catch, instead it bounced off her nose and got lost between the cushions.

For a split-second, Beca forgot the real reason she was probably there. A few days ago, Chloe had saved Beca from Bumper Allen bullying her in the playground. She'd been shoved in the dirt, expecting another insult or a punch to be thrown her way, when a red-headed angel stepped in between her and Bumper, scaring them away and picking Beca off the ground. Beca had thanked her, expecting Chloe to leave but instead she stayed. Insisting that they were going to be "really fast friends."

Beca was certain that Chloe just felt sorry for her.

"Yeah, this is brilliant." But even her doubts couldn't prevent Beca from smiling at Chloe's antics. The girl's bubbly persona was infectious, and you couldn't help but be happy when you were around her.

"We should have sleep overs every night Becs! Imagine how amazing that would be!" Chloe gasped, animated. "We should totally live in this treehouse forever!"

Beca could think of nothing better than staying with Chloe for the unseeable future, but as young as she was, she knew the logic behind Chloe's idea was full of faults.

"We should! But my dad would get worried about me." Beca pouted, hating that she'd caused even a slight drop in Chloe's mood.

"What about your mom? Wouldn't she be worried too?"

Beca froze, and the hesitation made Chloe curious, though she didn't press any further. Beca dropped her gaze, drawing further into herself. "I don't...have a mom anymore." She wasn't used to telling people, not used to how the words sounded as they hung in the air.

Chloe was lost for a moment, unsure of how to respond. Instead of speaking, she wrapped her arms around her friend, pulling her close and letting Beca bury her face in Chloe's red curly hair. The gesture made was different. People's usual responses were offers of condolences, maybe a sympathetic head-tilt to go with it, but nobody had hugged her the way Chloe was doing now.

Though she had to let go eventually, Beca knew she'd found someone special.

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