Part 33: Work

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"I'm off." Yoongi said leaving the door and waving at Jimin, who was in he process of getting ready for work.

Yoongi was going to work his shift and build a bear then planned on going to the sweet shop straight after to see if he could finish earlier.

Jimin in the other hand just had to go to the dance studio for a 7 hour shift then he was home free to do what he wanted.

Work started at 8 for both of them but Jimin finished 3pm and Yoongi 8pm after both shifts.

That meant Jimin would be alone for 5 hours.

5 hours without Yoongi to be there for him.

When Jimin entered work he was surprised to see Hoseok practising to dance to a song called boy meets evil as he had expected the class to have been ready to start which it wasn't.

"Good morning Hoseok hyung." Jimin said placing his bag down.

"Good morning Jimin. Today the boss has booked the room out to some dance group who are in the area for a competition so we can leave anytime with pay."

"Ah okay, thank you for telling me hyung."

"How are things going with Yoongi." Hoseok said quickly before Jimin could leave causing the younger to stop in his tracks.

"Things are going well I guess." Jimin said innocently looking slightly confused.

"Are you to getting on well?" Hoseok asked digging for information knowing he'd get none from Yoongi.

"I think so... we are dating so if we're not I'd be concerned." Jimin said with a weak laugh.

"YoUr DaTiNg?!?"

Hoseok was so shocked by the news because he never expected Yoongi to actually care that much about a person romantically to be in a relationship with them.

This completely shocked Hoseok.

"Yep it's been around a week now I guess. Maybe a bit less."

"Jimin I don't think you realise how big this is. Yoongi is scared of his emotions but he choose to look past that for you. This is so cute and pure on so many levels." Hoseok fangirled before his face turned evil.

"Have you fucked yet?" Hoseok asked looking for dirt to embarrass Yoongi but Jimin just shook his head now bright red.

Hoseoks has dropped to the ground wondering what happened to the heartthrob that was Min Yoongi.

"Well that's a shocker, warning now he's large." Hoseok said before his eyes widening saying "Not that I've seen him like that, well I have but that's because he had a tendency to walk around naked when it got too hot or he'd let his towel slip and I don't blame him because I did the same but still. It wasn't anything like that."

Jimin couldn't help but giggle at his hyung smiling before saying "It's fine hyung don't worry."

He was still stupidly embarrassed by the first question but from what he'd seen of Hoseok that was his personality.

"Well I shouldn't keep you here all day with my random questions, especially when people are coming here soon. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Hoseok said smiling kindly.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Oh and hyung? That dance you were doing was really cool you should film it and do something with it... just an idea." Jimin said before leaving.

The moment Jimin walked through the doors of his apartment he got a overwhelming urge to have a tea party with all of his dolls.

So he did.

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