Part 13: Fear

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The day seemed to be going well until Yoongi noticed Jimin staring at the wall with a pout on his face; creating instant concern from the elder.

"You okay Jimin?" Yoongi asked being understanding that Jimin probably wouldn't want to tell him.

"I'm twying to be big." Jimin said in a whiny voice.

Yoongi asked "You don't want to be little?" to Jimin causing the younger to shake his head quickly, the tears welling up.

"I wanna be little but Jiminie can't." He said looking off in the distance.

"Why not Jimine?"

"D-d-don't want to be h-hurt..." Jimin said his lips pouting and bottom lip quivering with tears welling up in his eyes.

Yoongi was completely confused at what the younger said "Why would you be hurt Jiminie?"

The tears started to fall from Jimin's eyes causing Yoongi to rush over to his side holding him in his arms.

"Shhh shh baby. Don't cry. Nothing will ever hurt you. Not when I'm here." Yoongi reassured trying not to show his panic.

"B-b-b-but J-Jiminie isn't allowed t-to be little a-around other people. I-if Jiminie n-near o-other people he h-h-has t-to go, go big s-so little J-Jiminie d-doesn't get hurt." Jimin said crying more.

Yoongi let out a sigh trying to hold back his own tears, because he was an emotional person even if he didn't show it, before saying calmly"Little Jiminie and big Jiminie won't get hurt as long as hyung is here. I'll keep you safe."

"P-pwomise?" Jimin said fighting his tears more.

Yoongi pulled him onto his lap rubbing circle on the youngest back whispering"Yes baby, I promise... now tell Yoongles who hurt you..."

"M-mummy a-and her b-b-boyfriend." Jimin said letting his tears flow more.

Yoongi's heart broke and he was prepared to go and fight them but knew leaving Jimin would be a bad idea, especially like this.

"W-where did they hurt you? W-when?" Yoongi asked carefully to see if there was anything possible he could do to help if it was recent.

Jimin slowly lifted his shirt revealing his bare chest to Yoongi then pointing to scars and bruises on his side with a shoe print shaped bruise covering most of his side.

"Jiminie we need to get you to the hospital now to make sure there's no serious harm were you've been hurt; they need to check you over." Yoongi said now lightly panicking at the sight.

It wasn't just a one time thing but apparently over a long period of time which made Yoongi realize just how serious it all was; maybe there was another reason that Jimin regresses into that head space other than day to day stress of being an adult.

"NO! Jiminie doesn't like hospitals, Jiminie isn't going." The younger said rushing as he spoke through his tears.

"If we don't go to the hospital i'm not sure what we can do Jiminie."

"Kiss better?"

Yoongi froze for a moment seeing the serious look Jimin gave him.

"Are you sure?" He asked cautiously.

"Yep... b-but only if you want.. you don'ts have too..."

Yoongi pulled the boy closer before gently kissing the scars causing Jimin to giggle lightly and Yoongi to sigh in relief that it didn't hurt the younger before kissing the shoe mark like it was the most delicate thing in the world; which in the moment it was.

Yoongi decided it would be best to talk to Jimin when he was in his big head space about it but until that time came he decided he was going to baby the little until he 'forgot' what was making him scared so he could be happy for a little while.

They played board games, drew, watched cartoons, baked cookies, then went to bed.

Jimin fell asleep instantly exhausted from his eventful day where as Yoongi stared at the roof worrying about the little in the bedroom down the hall.

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