Part 22: Dinner

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"D-d-daddy." Jimin said with tears in his eyes at the kitchen door hugging a pillow to his chest sniffling.

Yoongi dropped everything he was doing and ran over to the younger boy, turning the fryer down so he had some time to make sure Jimin was okay without worrying.

"What's wrong baby?" Yoongi said wrapping his arms around the younger pulling him into a warm hug.

"D-daddy left J-Jiminie alone... Jimin-Jiminie was scared." He said letting tears fall from his eyes as he sobbed onto Yoongi's shoulder.

"Daddy's sorry, he wanted to make Jiminie a surprise for dinner."

Yoongi felt an overwhelming amount of guilt for leaving the younger alone wanting to never leave his side again, he knew he had to do something fast to stop the tears otherwise he'd never forgive himself - over dramatic, yes, but also true.

"S-surprise?" Jimin said leaning back and looking Yoongi in the eyes.

"Yep, does Jiminie want to watch daddy now that he's awake?" Yoongi said, he'd have said help if it wasn't almost done.

He had googled a recipe when Jimin was asleep for dinosaur chicken nuggets as he noticed the youngers favorite cartoon was a dino one on Netflix.

"Jiminie wants to stay with daddy. Right. Here." Jimin said pouting and hugging Yoongi tighter.

"But if daddy stays right here dinner will burn and then daddy's surprise for Jiminie will be ruined." Yoongi said rubbing the youngers back to comfort him.

"But daddyyyy." Jimin tried to protest and it took Yoongi every fiber of his being to not just let the food burn and stay with the younger in his arms but he knew he had to be strict.

"No buts Jiminie. I thought Jiminie was a good boy." Yoongi said hesitantly letting go.

"Jiminie is but Jiminie wants daddy."

"Well Jiminie can have daddy after dinner then." Yoongi negotiated back hoping things would be simple but he knew that it wouldn't be.

"No." Jimin said sitting on the floor crossing his arms and legs.


"I want daddy now."

Jimin was being persistent and the only words Yoongi could think to describe him at that moment in time was 'cute brat.'

From the small amount Yoongi had seen Jimin in little space he didn't seem like trouble and he didn't act this persistently so Yoongi just thought he was testing his limits.

Yoongi grabbed a kitchen chair and turned it to face a corner of the room.

"Jimin, chair." Yoongi said looking from the chair to the younger and back to the chair.


"No buts. Go sit on the chair until dinner is done."

Jimin had no choice but to give up feeling slightly betrayed that he got in trouble that easily, he also hated to get in trouble making his sobs louder.

He sat in the chair and faced the wall crying loudly on purpose hoping Yoongi would let him get up quicker but it had the opposite affect.

Yoongi did plan on letting Jimin get off in five minutes before dinner but ended up leaving him the whole time because he was crying that much, Yoongi hoped by dinner he would stop being bratty - he was wrong.

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