Part 25: Poorly part 2

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Yoongi went back to Jimin's room with the medicine in his hand and a glass of water.

Jimin was slightly sat up in his bed where Yoongi had placed him and was pouting when Yoongi came back in.

"Take this medicine Jiminie, it'll make you feel better and stop some of the hurting on your head." Yoongi explained looking to his own hand which Jimin was pouting at.

"You can take tablets can't you?" Yoongi asked hoping that the younger would answer yes.

Unfortunately for Yoongi he shook his head.

"Then I need to go to the shop to get some more medicine because this is all we have in." Yoongi said stroking Jimin's hair as gently as he could.

"No... donts leave Jiminie again... please..." Jimin said weakly placing his had on Yoongi's unable to muster up the energy to hold on to him properly.

"Then how is Jiminie gonna get his medicine?" Yoongi asked sympathetically, holding onto the youngers hand.

"Kiss." Jimin said looking at the older straight in the eye.

The more Yoongi thought about it the more he could see why it made sense in Jimin's head, and to be fair anything right now seemed better to him than leaving Jimin alone and ill.

Yoongi didn't care about getting sick himself as he had a good immune system and the fact he didn't want to see Jimin suffer.

He confirmed what Jimin wanted by asking "You want me to give you medicine by kissing you?" To which Jimin nodded keeping a straight face.

"Okay then Jiminie."

Yoongi leaned forward on the bed moving closer to Jimin placing a tablet in between his lips then locking lips with Jimin pressing his lips forward to get the tablet in Jimin's mouth.

Jimin was going to spit it out but Yoongi kissed him deeper making him gulp and swallow the tablet.

Yoongi pulled away when he felt Jimin's facial expression change from the taste of the tablet, then rubbing his head slightly.

"Try to get some sleep baby, daddy will stay with you until you go to sleep." Yoongi said in a calming voice stroking Jimin's face where he didn't hit, re-lifting the icepops to the side he did hit.

Jimin gently tugged at Yoongi's sleeve saying "Cuddles..." quietly as he moved slightly to the side to make room for Yoongi.

Yoongi couldn't say no to Jimin and just wanted to hold him until he felt better but couldn't so decided he'd cuddle with Jimin until he fell asleep and then would make soup.

Yoongi slid his way into Jimin's single bed holding the little in his arms rubbing circles on his back to comfort him.

Jimin said "Dummy..." then nodded towards his bed side table which Yoongi then reached into pulling out a baby blue pacifier, slipping it into Jimin's mouth who happily accepted it.

Jimin eventually started to doze off in Yoongi's arms giving Yoongi the chance to slip away and to call his mum.

The phone rang twice and she picked up almost instantly.

"Hello? Yoongi? Are you okay?" His mother asked on the phone - she was worried because Yoongi rarely ever called her first.

"Hi. Yeah i'm okay my roomate is just ill so I was wondering if you could walk me through how to make that chicken soup thing from when I was little, if that's okay with you?" Yoongi asked walking around his kitchen getting a pan out.

"Of course sweet heart. I hope your roommate is okay. My little boy is growing up and taking care of others, i'm so proud of you sweet heart now you need to get a pot."


The conversation went on for around half an hour as Yoongi prepped the food and put it on boil before his mother started asking about his roommate.

"So I noticed before that you said it was your roommate that was ill, does that mean you have moved in with Hoseokie or someone else?"

"I moved out of Hoseok's house and moved in with one of his friends who was looking for a roommate, I officially moved in a week ago today even though we only finished packing a few days ago."

"Ah my little boy is growing up~ Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Boy and his name is Jimin..." Yoongi said hoping his mother wouldn't keep going on because he knew he would get embarrassed.

"Yay, is he cute? His name sounds cute. How old is he? Are you close? Do you like him?" Yoongi's mother went on.

"He is cute just like his name, he is in his twenties, I think we're close and yes I like him he seems like a nice person which is why I phoned you for this recipe because I want to make sure he's okay." Yoongi said blushing, glad his mother wasn't there in person to see him.

"I'm going to come down and visit once your settled in properly and i'm glad you have someone who means enough to you for you to take care off, it makes me happy. You know you can call me anytime sweetie and I can tell by the hitches in your breath that your starting to get embarrassed so i'll leave you to cook by yourself from here, I love you."

"I... Love you too... And thank you..." Yoongi said shyly not used to saying it to his mother but he felt he had to.

He'd have to worry about his mother visiting another time but right now Jimin was his priority.

Once the soup was made he took some to Jimin and fed him so he didn't use all his energy, eating some soup of his own.

They both started cuddling again after that with Jimin's head pains gone and temperature slowly going down.

Eventually they both fell asleep and before they knew it, it was early morning the next day and Jimin was feeling better, back in his big head space from the surprise of finding Yoongi in his bed, which he didn't mind.

He thanked Yoongi and they both got up cleaning up from the messy day before as Yoongi didn't have the chance to clean.

Jimin wasn't 100% sure what had happened but he thanked Yoongi for taking care of him slowly getting his thoughts back together as he cleaned each mess he was responsible for making.

He stepped into the bathroom to start cleaning when the memory hit him.

He fell down and cried for help completely exposed and Yoongi came to help him.





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