Part 23: Nuggets

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"Dinner is ready Jimin come sit down at the table." Yoongi said placing the dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and chips in front of where Jimin normally eats.

Jimin continued crying staring at the wall shaking his head, his crying had calmed a little but now it was back in full force.

"Jimin please just come and eat your dinner, don't make this more difficult than it has to be." Yoongi pleaded not wanting to have to yell.

"I don't wanna eat. I don't want to." Jimin said before crying louder.

It was taking Yoongi all of his patience to not snap.

"Jimin am I really going to have to make you come over here?" Yoongi asked before eating one of his nuggets.

Jimin just kept crying so Yoongi got up.

"Okay then. One... Two... Three." Yoongi counted before lifting the chair from the floor and placing it at the table, Jimin still safely on it.

"No!" Jimin yelled when Yoongi put his food in front of him causing Yoongi to say his name in a low, deep but calm voice.

Jimin went quiet just looking down at table, his face puffy and eyes red.

"Open." Yoongi said lifting a fork with a nugget on it to Jimin's lips.

When he moved in he picked up on the fact that Jimin hadn't been eating properly so started to make sure that Jimin ate his meals, even if Yoongi had to hand feed it him which he had to in this case.

Jimin kept his mouth closed slightly pouting, so Yoongi placed his hand gently under his chin moving his thumb to gently run across Jimin's bottom lip.

"Please open your mouth baby."

Jimin slightly parted his lips still not looking up, Yoongi started to feed him.

Yoongi sat next to Jimin and fed him all of his food occasionally hearing the odd sniffle come from Jimin.

Jimin had eaten all of his food, hand fed by Yoongi, still not making eye contact because he had realized how much of a brat he had been but he wasn't ready to admit it.

"Stay there." Yoongi said getting up and eating another of his own chicken nuggets on the way past.

He grabbed a cloth and ran it under warm water then went back over to jimin wiping his face.

Yoongi wasn't used to feeding other people so the sauce for the chips ended up getting all over Jimin's face.

Yoongi finished cleaning Jimin up and then let out a sigh before saying "Go play." to Jimin, then going back to his now cold food to eat.

Jimin didn't move off of his seat andn just stayed sat there in silence.

"You can go play now Jimin your punishment is over." Yoongi said with a mouth full of food, slightly annoyed but not letting it show.

Jimin still didn't move making Yoongi realize Jimin knew he did something wrong.

Yoongi decided he'd finish his dinner first before he'd talk to Jimin since he hadn't eaten much.

"Does Jiminie know what he did wrong?" Yoongi asked getting a nod in response.

"Can Jiminie tell Daddy what he did wrong?" Yoongi asked this time getting no response.

"Use your words Jimin."

"I-I b-broke the r-rules... J-Jiminie is sowwy daddy." Jimin said before crying again his face turning red.

"It's okay just don't do it again." Yoongi replied getting a nod in response.

Yoongi was moving over to Jimin's side when a thought popped into his head.

"Why did Jiminie break the rules anyways?"

"B-because daddy left Jimine alone and Jiminie got scared... Jiminie w-wanted to stay with daddy when he found him but daddy said n-no so Jiminie thought why should he listen to daddy when d-daddy won't listen to him." Jimin said now crying into his own small hands.

Guilt slapped Yoongi across the face ten times harder than before - he felt bad and responsible for what happened but he knew that he tried to reason with Jimin so it wasn't his fault completely, they were both responsible.

"I'm sorry Jiminie but you could've waited ten minutes for me to finish cooking. Do you really think I like to see you this upset or like shouting at you?" Yoongi said rubbing Jimins back.

"N-no. I'm sowwy daddy." Jimin said looking up at Yoongi in tears.

"I'm sorry too baby now try to stop crying, your face is too pretty to be covered in so many sad tears." Yoongi said wiping the tears away.

Jimin finally hugged Yoongi crying into his chest.

"Why don't we go get some of your plushies from your room and watch cartoons?" Yoongi proposed hoping that it would comfort Jimin who simply nodded.

He had been in Jimin's room once and noticed a few of the plushes he had, he also used his knowledge from the bear factory to assume he definitely had one.

Jimin took Yoongi's hand and pulled him closely behind him to his bedroom.

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