Part 12: Littles

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After a day of drawing and playing both Yoongi and Jimin went to sleep on the couch not even making it to their rooms or getting into their pyjamas.

Well technically the living room as of current was Yoongi's room but it wasn't set up and who cares about technicalities.

"Yoongi hyung?" Jimin said shyly before shaking Yoongi who just let out a grumble.

"Hyung..." Jimin said again wanting Yoongi to wake up so that they can talk.

"Sorry if I bothered you..." Jimin said going to get up before Yoongi re-pulled him back down.

They were both lying face to face on the couch which wasn't even folded out; extremely close to each other.


"Sorry... for not... responding... Jimin..." He said through long pauses in a groggy morning voice.

"Its okay hyung... I just wanted to apologies for yesterday."

"Hmm?" Yoongi said trying to show his confusion.

"I'm sorry for ruining that film for you... and i'm sorry you saw me how I was when we got home and afterwards when you had to deal with me being weird."


"I know hyung i'm sorry..."

"Shut up."

Jimin froze at Yoongi's words.

they were clear and straight to the point.

"You have nothing to be sorry for so don't apologize." He said opening his eyes realizing just how close he had pulled the younger.

If he were any less tired he would have probably looked away but he was exhausted so kept eye contact, continuing...

"There was nothing weird about you yesterday and if that helps you it can't be helped, anyways you were a literal angel anyways compared to little's I've read about before so I couldn't complain if I wanted too... which I don't because I don't have a issue with it."

All Yoongi could think was 'Fuck' as he realized that he had called Jimin a little when he could have just been acting childish because that was also slightly apart of his personality.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to assume you were a little-"

"...Thank you hyung-"

Both of them froze as they made eye contact before quickly looking away.

"I hate to admit it but your assumption was correct." Jimin said looking down blushing excessively.

Yoongi just smiled softly before letting out a soft sigh of relief.

He finally knew why Jimin would act slightly different at times, that slight being drastic to him because he noticed the little things

"How'd you know about little space hyung?" Jimin asked innocently, slightly taken by surprise by Yoongi's knowledge, which was more than he ever thought it would be.

Yoongi kind of froze at the question thinking back on his first encounter with little space.

Yes there was multiple.

"You don't have to tell me." Jimin said looking down slightly embarrassed from his question.

"It's okay i'm just trying to think back to it because it was back when I was in high school..." Yoongi replied calmly with a look of concentration on his face.

"Ahhh I remember. I was in school flicking through fan fictions for bands on this website and I ended up clicking one because I thought it was about the two people in it having a baby from the description but it ended up being a cheesy little space fic with the two people living together and then the other person finding out. It was cool up to the smut. Personally I ain't about that life." Yoongi said before laughing a little thinking back to the fanfiction.

"So you found out... through fanfiction?" Jimin asked in disbelief.

"Yep. I had to read the whole thing twice because I didn't understand properly the first time so did research into it to find out what was going on." Yoongi explained calmly with a reminiscent smile on his face.

"Wait... so you actually know about little space?" Jimin asked double checking just to be 100 percent sure.

"Little space can basically be one of two things; a kink that leads to things like subspace or it can be a head space a person regresses into when stressed as a sort of stress reliever or relaxer." Yoongi said looking up to show he was thinking before smiling at Jimin causing Jimin to smile back.

"So you do know." Jimin said happily.

"Yep, so what are you stressing about Jiminie?" Yoongi asked using the name Jimin had called himself the day before to try and make him more comfortable.

"Stuff..." Jimin said looking down causing his soft pink hair to touch Yoongi's chin.

"Just know that you can talk to me whenever you need too okay?" Yoongi said to show that he cared.

"I know..." Jimin responded back trying to hide his frown from thinking about what was stressing him out.

Let's just say that Jimin literally triggered himself, into his little head space, leaving Yoongi with a eventful day a head to say the least.

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