Part 24: Poorly part 1

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Jimin woke up later than normal, Yoongi let him sleep in assuming he had used up all of his energy the day before crying.

Yoongi had decided to stay in bed since he had nothing urgent he had to do, lying in bed and reading on his phone.

Jimin climbed out of his bed feeling little and slightly ill, he tried not to fall into little space by having a cold shower to wake him up and snap him out of his sleepiness which called for the warmth of his plushies and blankie.

The entire house was silent with no sound other than water flowing which told Yoongi that Jimin was awake and in the bathroom unassumingly brushing his teeth.

Suddenly the sound of a large thud and cry could be heard coming from the bathroom causing Yoongi to jump up out of his bed launching his phone and running to make sure Jimin was okay.

He saw that the door was slightly open so ran in and immediately turned around blushing and grabbing a towel off the rack then rapping it around the younger who was on the floor crying covering his head.

"Where did you hurt Jimin-ah?" Yoongi asked looking for the first aid kit in the cupboard, the younger still crying but moving a hand to show the large lump on his head.

Yoongi didn't have the time to be flustered by the sight of the younger he saw at the door so focused all attention on where Jimin had hit his head.

He helped Jimin out of the shower ramping the towel around him properly and turned the shower off after placing Jimin on the toilet seat lid to sit down on.

Jimin's head was swollen but it didn't look like it would bruise if there was something cold on it to help the swelling so Yoongi ran into the kitchen and grabbed some icepops wrapping them in a towel so it wasn't too cold for the younger.

Jimin was still crying quietly when Yoongi re-entered the bathroom.

Yoongi had a feeling that there was something else wrong with Jimin for him to be crying so much sounding like he was being killed so decided to check his temperature which was hard because Jimin didn't want anything to touch his head because it was hurting.

Somehow Yoongi managed to get Jimin to let him check and found out he had a very high temperature.

"You need some medicine Jiminie, i'll go get some." Yoongi said standing up properly before continuing saying "Put your clothes on then come down to the kitchen so you can take some medicine."

Yoongi exited the room leaving Jimin sat on the toilet with icepops to his head, completely drenched.

It had been about 15 minutes and Yoongi started to worry about what was taking Jimin so long so got up and went back to the bathroom knocking on the door twice before hearing soft whimpering and Jimin crying "Daddy."

Yoongi opened the door quickly finding Jimin on the floor on his side trying to sit up which he didn't have the energy for.

Yoongi could see that Jimin had tried to get himself dressed but Jimin just couldn't do it because he was that ill, he had managed to put one leg into his boxers but that was it.

He helped Jimin finish getting dressed, helping him into his dinosaur boxers and over sized black shirt which looked very familiar to Yoongi.

Yoongi then carried Jimin back to his bed surrounding him with the plushies that seemed to have fallen on the floor when Jimin had gotten up.

Yoongi turned around to go get the tablet before Jimin stopped him pulling at his shirt saying "Daddy... don't leave Jiminie." Which made Yoongi's heart break due to the desperation in the voice.

"Daddy will be back super quick with medicine to help Jiminie feel better, I promise." Yoongi said leaving the room keeping the door open and walking loudly on purpose so that Jimin could still hear him - Yoongi was prepared for a sound complaint from the neighbors because of the banging and didn't care, he wanted to make sure Jimin was happy.

He probably should have brought the medicine up with him but he got caught up in his valid anxieties so didn't.

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