Part 20: Daddy

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Jimin and Yoongi were sat downstairs eating breakfast, Jimin in little space and Yoongi still half asleep but still caring for the younger.

"Yoonglesssss~" Jimin said breaking the silence.

"What is it Jiminie?"

"Can Yoongles Be Jiminie's daddy?"

Yoongi choked on his coffee and quickly looked up saying "W-what?" Still coughing on his drink.

Jimin threw his red face down to look at the floor quickly saying "Ugh-ughh ummm doesn't matter."

"Jiminie." Yoongi said in a stern but warm voice.

"Doesn't matter..."

Yoongi got up from his chair and walked to the younger to make sure he heard right.

He didn't mind the name or the thought of it, it just caught him off guard and made him panic slightly but it also calmed him as well with the thought that Jimin already trusted him that much.

"Tell me Jiminie."

"I-I just thought I'd ask Yoongles to be my daddy but I was silly so it doesn't matter..."

"Your not silly baby, well you are but not like that." Yoongi said running his fingers through Jimin's hair.

"I'm sowwy."

"Don't be sorry Jiminie. I'd love to be your daddy."

"Oh my goodness. Really. Like really really."

"Really really Jiminie, once we have breakfast do you want to make some rules?"

"Yessss. Yes yes yes. Thank you daddy. Thank youuuu~"

Yoongi couldn't help but giggle slightly, all the awkwardness of the new nickname went away instantly.

Jimin practically sped eat all of his food, probably breaking a few records, and rushed Yoongi to finish his giving Yoongi a few ideas on what the first rule should be.

They both sat down in the living room with Jimin bringing his art and crafts box out of his room and Yoongi googling lists of rules on Pinterest because he had no idea what he was doing.

"Jiminie is super excited." Jimin said giggling before adding "Daddy." to the end of what he was saying.

"I wouldn't be too excited Jiminie..."

"Why not daddy?"

"Because with rules come consequences Jiminie so if you break the rules you get-"

"Consequences..." Jimin mumbled finishing Yoongi's sentence.

Yoongi confirmed saying "Exactly baby."

Jimin looked down at the paper with a pout before looking up with stubborn eyes.

"Any rules broken up to now donts count. Jiminie is a good boy and didn't know."

Yoongi smiled softly, patting the youngers head saying "Jiminie is a good boy which is why you get rewards too."

Jimin's eyes lit up causing a teethy smile to appear on his face showing his adorable slightly forward front tooth.

Jimin chanted "Jiminie's a good boy." repeatedly as he picked out what he wanted to use.

Jimin got out a pastel yellow piece of paper and 3 pens; baby pink, violet and baby blue.

"Oki daddy what is Jiminie writing?" Jimin asked starting the rules.

--- --- --- --- ---


1. Listen to Daddy

2. Eat all of your food

3. Don't rush Daddy

4. Tell Daddy when Jiminie is little

5. Clean up after yourself

6. Do as your told

7. Bedtime is 8:30

8. Jiminie should dress big when outside in little space

9. Little Jiminie should call Daddy hyung when around others

10. No swearing - this goes for Daddy too


1. Early bed time

2. No sweets

3. No Cartoons

4. Naughty corner

5. No plushies


1. Presents

2. Late bedtime

3. Sweeties

4. Stickers

5. Cuddles + kisses

--- --- --- --- ---

Jimin added 'cuddles + kisses' without telling Yoongi exactly what he was putting but said "Surprise for Daddy." Which Yoongi just agreed too willing to give the world to the little of he asked.

He was already whipped for Jimin when he first met him and now he was on a whole new level.

Yoongi then let Jimin decorate the list with pictures and stickers, leaving him to decorate as he went to his room to call work to double check he wasn't needed before his holiday was up - which he wasn't, he had another week with Jimin without having to worry about work.

He wanted to make this week special, a week Jimin would never forget - in or out of little space.

Yoongi heard two knocks on the open door behind him and saw Jimin stood there with the list in his hand.

"Can Yoongles see it Jiminie?"

Jimin nodded shyly passing it over to Yoongi who looked at it proudly, raising a eyebrow before smirking at Jimin.

"So kisses and cuddles are only a reward?" Yoongi asked teasing the younger.

"No no no Daddy, kisses and cuddles can be anytime or all the time in and out of little space..."

Jimin's face blushed deeply as Yoongi just smiled evilly before pointing to the rewards and saying happily "It should have been a rule then." Which caused Jimin to pout even more.

"Daddy's evil."

"Yep it appears so."

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