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  Hanni fixed the strap of her backpack on her shoulder. Her right hand pulling a carrier. She  watched Jimin walking a few meters ahead of her whilst holding two boxes of her stufff. She scowled at the way Jimin walk. 

Why is this man walking like a model? What is this? A runway?

The way he walked, it was turned out. As if he was ready to do a ballet routine anytime soon, it was so graceful. His steps are a full body affair. His posture is straight but he lets his shoulders accentuate each step as he sinks into it. His walk is almost like a dance move itself.

Did he learnt dancing before?  Hanni thought before realizing that he was getting further. She jogged but it was hard because of her carrier. "Yah Jiminie, slow down please!" She shouted. Jimin ignored her and continued to walk. She snorted aggressively. "Park Jimin, for the sake of humanity, please take into consideration my short legs." She paused to take a deep breath. " I can't freaking keep up with your strut, you titan!" She exclaimed. 

Jimin stopped at his track. He turned around. "Titan?" He cocked his eyebrows whilst slightly tilted his head. "That's a new nickname." He nodded . "I thought I was short." Hanni ran beside him. She panted.

"Short?" She scoffed. "You're 170-something cm and that's mean you literally have another layer of atmosphere compared to me- a 153 cm tall girl." She spat. "You should be grateful, you know." 

"I know but I am still the shortest among the boys." He chuckled.

"Just think about my height and you'll feel good, trust me." She suggested.

"Okay,Honey." Jimin agreed. They continued to walk side by side. As they passed several people, Jimin could heard those people talking about them.

"Look at them, how cute!"

"He called her 'Honey'! OMG!"

"They are so young. They must be newly weds."

Jimin tried to control his smile. He leaned to his side and whispered to Hanni. "Did you hear that?" Hanni raised one of her eyebrow. "They thought we are married."

Hanni backed off from him with her hands up in the air. "Wow,wow. Calm your hormone down, young man." Jimin's laugh erupted from his mouth. "I'm only 18 and you're like 20-something-"

"I'm 20." Jimin interrupted with a smile. Hanni's eyes widened.

"You're 20 and you're talking about marriage?" She shook her head. "Not cool, man. Not cool." Jimin laughed out again. Being with her just so comfortable and full of laughter. Just then, she once again realized something. "Wait, I'm still mad at you for leaving me behind!" She put her hands on her hips. Jimin let out his usual squeaky  laugh.

"If you can't keep up with me, go buy roller skates or something and tug on my sleeves." He remarked. "We don't have all day, Honey."

"Then, buy it for me."

"Why should I? You're rich."


Hanni cut herself off when her foot stepped on something. Something muddy and moist.


  "Hanni, where's your shoe?" Taehyung asked with a slight grin. Jimin smiled at Hanni, waiting for her answer.

"The giant mud puddle down the road demanded a sacrifice." Hanni said with a blank expression. "So, being a kind human, I decided to sacrifice one of my shoe." Jimin let out a small laugh before heading upstairs to Hanni's room to put her stuff.

"I love your choice of words." Taehyung took Hanni's carrier from her hand and pick it up. He climbed the stairs. Hanni followed.

"Thank you, Taehyung-ssi." She deepened her voice playfully. "I'm so contented by your honeyed words." Taehyung laughed out loud. 


  Hanni walked to her room. The door to Seokjin's and Yoongi's room suddenly opened. Seokjin came out, his hand was busy towel-drying his hair after showering.

"Hi Oppa." She grinned. "I'm going to live here from now on." 

"Aaahh~" Seokjin nodded. "I need to cook more servings then." He jokingly said.

Hanni smiled cheekily. "I will help you."

"Ok, deal."

Jimin came out from her room with Taehyung. The walked towards her."Honey, don't forget the rules, okay?"

"Of course!" She raved before taking a deep breath. "Don't go to the torture room, don't go to the workroom without permission, don't touch the weapons without anyone with me, don't go to the basement alone, don't let Namjoon-oppa go to the kitchen alone.." She paused. "Did I miss anything?" She asked.

The boys nodded. "One of the most important one." Seokjin stated.  

"Oh!" Something came to her mind. "Don't wake Yoongi-oppa if I want to live longer!" She excitedly said. The boys nodded.

"Now, go wash up. We're going to have dinner later." Seokjin said. Hanni nodded and bowed before making her way to her room.

Jimin suddenly remembered something. "Oh yeah, Jennie came to our cafe this morning." 

"Who's Jennie?" Taehyung asked. Clueless.

"Got7 Jaebum's girlfriend." Jimin answered.

The boys nodded. "Wait, what?!" Seokjin jerked his head towards Jimin. "What was she doing here?"

"Eat of course." Jimin scoffed. "I think she recognized me." Jimin said with a sigh. " She was half-smirking after I got taken aback by her." He hung his head low. "I'm sorry. "

Taehyung and Seokjin smiled sweetly at him. Seokjin ruffled Jimin's hair. "It's okay. Nothing would happen." Jimin nodded, his mouth was slightly curved down.

"Let's go play games!" Taehyung threw his hand around Jimin shoulder and dragged him to the living room.

Nothing he said.



Here a filler chapter, pls enjoy!

I will draw the boys too so please anticipate!


Thank you for reading!

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