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In the world where corruption takes over, where money, fame and social status is the most important thing. People would do anything to get them whether it is by hook or by crook and Korea is not an exception. The population even got divided by social status. Rich people oppress the poor. White collar criminals keep increasing in numbers yet nothing happened to them. Police, politician.. everyone got polluted. But in the midst of this chaos, a group of young men is seeking and fighting for justice in their own way whether it is for them or others. They are the heroic outlaw. People call them..

...The Robinhood.


TW // 

Since this is a gang/crime au, pls expect mentions and sometimes descriptive writing of a lot of things that might trigger you including blood, rape, violence, and more.

Read it at your own risk. 


" ....Yoon Tae Won will be sentence to a 4 months imprisonment.." The defendant's family cheers in excitement as the punishment was not that heavy. Namjoon's head dropped in defeat. Although he win the case, the punishment wasn't enough.

" Mr.Kim, what's happening?" A lady shook Namjoon's body. " How can it's only 4 months? He fucking raped my daughter!" Tears start to streamed down her cheeks. Namjoon look at her in pity and shifted his gaze to the judge's poker face.

There must be something behind all this.. He frown before bringing his gaze back to the crying lady who is now punching him lightly in frustration. " Mrs. Lee, I'm really sorry. I did my best and we did win the case. It just..maybe they.." Mrs.Lee shook her head.

" I know..it's not your fault." She wiped her tears. "I just being emotional. I'm really sorry." She bowed to the young man. She know that she shouldn't have burst like that. This young man had did his best, in fact Kim Nam Joon is one of the rising star in the law field. At the age of 21, he already handled a caseload of up to 219 files in a span of a year and this case marked his 220th files.

Namjoon smiled at her.


The beautiful mansion that was set beyond the sidewalk, towering over any person who come close. The cream coating of the paint could be seen in the darkness of the starry night. The sound of cheering that usually echoed whenever she's home, couldn't be heard. Mrs.Lee twisted the door knob.

" I'm home." No one replied. She let out a small sigh. A tear threaten to roll down her cheeks got held back as she saw her only daughter, walk down the stairs.

" Oh eomma, you're home." The 10-years-old girl greet her mother. It's been a week since the incident but she still couldn't help but to cry whenever she saw her daughter's state. She was getting skinnier, eyebags formed under her eyes. She tried to kill herself many times. Mrs. Lee hugged her daughter.

" Jin Hee-ah, I will find a way to killed that person." She stroked Jin Hee's hair.

" I found it already." Jin Hee's response shocked Mrs. Lee. She broke the hug and look straight into Jin Hee's eyes.

"What do you mean?"

" Someone sent me an email.. 'Karma Sent Us' was written in it. They said if we are seeking for justice, call them. They want to help us." Jin Hee said with an emotionless face.

" Tell me the number." Mrs. Lee fished out her phone from her pocket, ready to type down the number.

" Its '333'. "

" '333'? Angel Number?" She cocked her eyebrows.

Is that mean ..they are going to protect us? She shrugged before typing the numbers down.


" Are they re-" Mrs.Lee got cut off by another person at the other side. She jumped.

" H-Hello?" Her heart was beating hard as if she just ran around her mansion.

" Lee Joo Hyun..right?" The man at the other side of the phone asked her. Although the man doesn't sound like a bad guy, the fact that he knows her name scared the shit out of her.

" How do-" Once again, she got cut off.

" Come to Bangtan Cafe. Don't bring anyone with you. Go straight to the cashier and said 'Bangtan'. Make sure it's your first word." Mrs.Lee tried hard to digest all the information, not leaving a single one behind.

" I will send you the address through your email." With that, the man hung up. Mrs.Lee put down her phone and quickly dashed out her mansion.

" I will be home later!"


The strong coffee scents welcomed Mrs. Lee as she open the cafe door. The bell above the door rang, signaling that there's a new entrant. Unlike the outside, the cafe was warm and cozy with black and white walls, creating a somewhat mysterious feeling. Chalk arts could be seen all over the walls. She took a deep breath.

Okay..you can do it!

She then walk to the cashier and was greeted by a young man with a pretty eye smile. She smiled back.

"Welcome, may I take your order?" His angelic voice made Mrs. Lee wondered if this the right place.

Is he really the one who's going to kill that bastard?

" ..um..Bang..tan?" She looked at the man's face. Did I said it right?

" Aaa~ Sure!" His eyes disappeared as he smile. He brought his right hand to his ear that was equipped with something that looks like an earpiece. " Hyung, she's here. Come take over the cafe."

A moment later, another young man came and greet Mrs.Lee with a gleeful smile. He then shooed the cashier before taking over the counter.

" Come with me." The eye-smile man ushered Mrs. Lee to a room with a ' Manager ' board on it's door.

Mrs.Lee averted her eyes around the room. The room was simple. A round glass table and 2 medium size  couch was located in the middle of the room. A file rack at the corner and a coffee machine on a high table.

" Have a sit." Mrs.Lee sat on the couch. Her eyes followed the young man.

" How are you?" He started the conversations. Coffee scents started to spread around the room. Sounds of spoon collided with a mug echoed.

" I'm fine." Mrs.Lee shifted in her sits. Just then, a mug of coffee was served on the table. The young man sat across her before giving a small smile.

" How's your daughter?" The question send a shiver down her spine.

" Wait, you know about my case?" Her eyes widened. The young man nodded.

"Of course. It caught our attention." Mrs.Lee nodded slowly. She stretched out her right hand. " By the way, I'm .. Lee Joo Hyun." The young man accept it.

" Dark Angel."

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