Chapter 1

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15 years later...

The Undertaker's shop was quiet per usual on this slightly warm day. The streets of London were busy as well. Carriages pass by along with people going about their daily lives. One carriage stopped in front of the shop. It let out two butlers, a woman dressed in red, a Chinese man, and a teenaged boy. The Chinese man looked up at the sign for a second then turned his head to the others.

"...Where are we?" He asked.

The woman turned to him in irritation and shouted, "Weren't you just acting you knew all about it?!"

Before more ranting could come from the woman, the raven-haired butler spoke up, "The young master's acquaintance is an undertaker."

The Chinese man questioned about the name as they all entered through the shop's door. The room was eerily quiet with hardly any light, coffins surrounded the floors to the walls.

"Are you in....Undertaker?" The boy questioned.

The place was even more quiet than before, it almost seemed as if you could hear a pin drop. Suddenly, a creepy laugh echoed throughout the room.

"Hee! Hee! I have been expecting you...." A coffin leaning on the wall began to open slowly, soon it revealed the long grey haired man.

"I bid ye welllllll-come, lord earl," he spoke. "Has your lordship finally decided to step into the coffin that I've made specially for you...?"

The only ones that remained calm from this man's presence would be the boy and the raven-haired butler. The woman and Chinese man were terrified and frozen to the spot from fear. The other butler, on the other hand, was on the ground trembling for dear life.

"I think not. Today I am-" The boy was interrupted by the man's long black fingernails in front of his face.

"You don't need to put it in words. I understand veeeery well what milord wishes to say. She wasn't a 'client' in the 'ordinary folk' sense of the word. See, I cleaned her up riiiight nice and pretty." Undertaker's smile only grew.

"I want to hear about that." Was the boy's only reply.

Undertaker rose his arms in the air as his smile continued to grow, "Then let's have a chat. Won't you just take a seat somewhere over there? I'll ask Red to make some tea or something."

"Excuse me?!" The woman in red asked in shock.

"Not you dearie, I mean my daughter."

The adults grew confused at the man while the boy shouted, "Since when did you have a daughter?!"

He didn't receive an answer as Undertaker walked to the back of the shop in search for the girl. The others heard noises of items being moved or tossed along with questions of wondering where she could be. A couple minutes passed by until the Undertaker came back out and scratched the back of his head.

"Odd. It appears she isn't back there."

"Are you even sure you're not being delus-" the boy was cut off by a teenaged girl hanging upside down right behind him.

"You called uncle Adrian?"

The boy let out a yell from surprise and jumped away while the raven-haired butler remained in his position but slightly amused. The woman and her butler were holding each other from fear and surprise while the Chinese man fell from shock this time. Undertaker was on the floor laughing his head off from the people's reactions. The girl remained upside down from where she was and looked at the people in confusion, her attention turned to the man who was still laughing.

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