"Management wanted to tell you." He chuckled. "They wouldn't let me."

"Fair enough. How long have you known?"

"A week?" He wondered.


"Yeah." He smiled. "But hey, try not to get to stressed with it all. It's a lot of pressure and of course i want this for you more than anything, but i don't want you too take on too much at once."

"I'll be okay." I reassured, smiling at his Uncle-ness shining through. "I appreciate what you're saying though. I'm excited to do this."

"You're a good girl Ri." He smiled, reaching out with one arm. He pulled me into his torso, hugging my body tight to his. I relaxed into him, sighing happily.

"I'm so happy."

"Good." He laughed. "Hey, who knew all this would happen after singing at a Christmas party, eh?"

"I know." I sighed. "Sometimes i have to pinch myself."

"I bet." He smiled, ruffling my red hair.
He chuckled, taking his phone out to check his messages.

I was having a great day, i nut couldn't wait to be back with Justin now and tell him the news.

"Oh boy."

"What?" I frowned. I looked across at him. "Please don't rain on my parade, i'm having a good day."

"Nope. I'm about to make the damn weather even nicer." He laughed.

"Why? What's going on?"

"The house is yours." He revealed. My eyes widened.


"Ashton accepted your offer."

"You're kidding?!"

"I'm not." He grinned. "Looks like today really is your day Ri."!

I screamed, clamping my hands over my mouth as the lift door opened. Scooter laughed, squinting slightly at my loudness.

"Solicitor's got the contract all ready. He's gonna meet us up in New York so we can read and sign." He said, reading from the email. "Then the place is all yours, pal."

"Can this day seriously get any better?!" I beamed. I twirled out of the elevator. "Recording my first album, got a house of my own, Justin's home today, going to New York, the premiere-. Oouff-"

I twirled too vigorously, banging into someones chest.


"Someone's happy." Cody's voice greeted. A grin formed on my lips.

"Hey stranger."

"What's up?" He smiled, hugging my body close.

"Absolutely everything, nothing! I don't know." I laughed. "But i'm having the best day ever, Codes. You wouldn't even believe what's happened."

"Try me." He grinned.

"First album."


"Offer was accepted on my first house."

His eyebrows raised.

"And Justin's home in-," I quickly checked the time on my phone. "Oh shit, half an hour."

Cody laughed. "Congrats on the album, man. Siked for you Rizzle. Good job."

"Thanks." I smiled, hugging him again. We held the hug for longer, enjoying each other for the last few minutes. "It was good seeing you, even if it was just for two seconds."

Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to Being A Braun)Where stories live. Discover now