B A R O ; B 1 A 4 [ 1 ]

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baro's pov

"you won't get your cars unless you get to pull up your grades!" my mom shouted, while pointing her index finger at me.

i groaned, "what does my grade have to do with my cars?"

she squeaked frustratingly after i've asked for the nth time. she didn't give me her answer and left by slamming the door.

well, she didn't take the keys. i reached out to the hook that's hanging beside me to no avail. i shrugged and looked on my nightstand, to see.. no keys again.

i jumped repeatedly, upset.

"when the hell did they take it?!" i plopped on my bed and heaved a heavy sigh.

"i've got no choice but to call the class nerd then," i cursed under my breath, getting my phone to call our class head, to get the nerd's number.

"hey, can i get y/n's number?" i asked once she picked up.

"hello to you too," she scoffed. "why would you get y/n's number? haven't 'you had enough' of her?" she said, mocking me.

"she was getting on my nerves back then!"

"then why would you get her number now!" she screamed back, making me flinch. i quickly escalated my tone of voice and said,

"i need to get my cars back." i smiled although she can't see me.

"what does she have to do with your car," she scoffed once again. "anyways, whatever the reason, i'll text you the number. i've got no time to deal with you." and she hung up.

i waited patiently for her text and when it arrived, i texted her.

to: y/n

hey, its baro. tutor me.

i changed in my clothes, knowing that she won't have any choice but to agree.

well, she isn't any other nerd,

she was friends with everyone. and whenever i tease, or yeah, bully her, she just shrugs me off, leaving me dumbfounded.

she was always bubbly which made me more angered. i don't know, just because.

i jolted up when i heard a familiar sound, receiving a text.

from: y/n

wow, the school's fucked up boy, ordering me to tutor him? i should feel honored, then.

we exchanged texts,

to: y/n


fr: y/n

yeah yeah, do me a favor and stop messing around with me, like.. forever?

to: y/n

come on, i'm not kidding. go to my house at 5, i'm not asking, i'm ordering you.

fr: y/n

urgh, how am i supposed to know where your house is?

to: y/n

my address;


i sighed and informed my mom about it, then she went to make some snacks for her.

"oh god, please help me with this,"


3rd pov

as the familiar bell rang loudly on the house, baro jumped off the couch to open the door; only to be passed by the leaping mom, excited to see who in the good lord, agreed to tutor her stubborn son. baro shook his head, dumbfounded by her mom.

"good evening.. ms. cha," she smiled a sweet smile, which unconsciously made baro giddy. "sorry if i'm late," 

"its better late than never," baro's mom reached out for a hug, which made y/n freak out whether she'll be happy or not.

"mom, stop." baro stepped on the scene getting y/n by the arm. "you're freaking her out."

"oh am i? well then, start on your tutoring!" they were pushed off by her mom. "i'm going to make dinner, since the snacks were long gone, right baro?" baro chuckled slightly and y/n bowed again. baro was pulled slightly by her mom and whispered, "i already love her." baro rolled his eyes and lead y/n to his room.

"your room is as big as our living room," and eyed around again, "plus our kitchen," 

baro scoffed, "stop overreacting and take your seat here," he pointed in front of him; which was a chair. but.. it was facing him. "let's talk about rules,"

"why are you so childish?" y/n said as she took her seat.

"first, no one, and if i said no one, NO ONE–– should know that you're tutoring me." y/n raised her eyebrows in sarcasm, "second, if i call you to go here, you should. now buts,"


"i just said no buts," y/n slumped on her seat and let baro continue. "my cars is on stake here; help me put up with my grades."

"well that's up to you." 

"shh, i'm not yet done." y/n rolled her eyes and sighed. "third,

no falling in love."  

they were just staring at each other, until y/n burst in a fit of laughter.

"you think," she said between her laughs, "after all you've done to me, i've fallen or will fall for you?" she laughed again but baro stayed serious. "this isn't some kind of book or something, baro, stop being so cliche." she said and dragged the chair to the nearby study table, telling baro that they'll start in 5, after she have done the test for the day for him.

baro shrugged and waited for her.

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