W I N W I N ; N C T [ 2 ]

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y/n pov


i was playing around at the park at the age of 7, when i suddenly felt pain striking in my left part chest. i scrunched up my nose, thinking that i was just tired of playing. 

i walked home, hands on my chest, clumsy walking. until i arrived home, managed to shout 'i'm home' with beads of sweat forming around my body.

i fainted with a big noise and so my mother and father came rushing to me. 

all i remember was my mother was talking to someone and eventually blacked out.


i blinked my eyes multiple times, to see something just white.

my mother then came into the view and smiled with tears on her eyes, hugging my father. 

i looked at them confused, and felt as if my my hands were full of something painful and sticky. i looked at it and it was full of needles with tapes on it. my mother than swiftly hugged me, telling me that 'its okay' continuously.

"what happened, mom?" i asked her, baffled.

"do you really want to know?" i nodded and he held my hand, not too tight but you can feel the reassurance in it. "you fainted, and the doctor said that your heart stopped beating. i thought we lost you, princess. but a miracle that god gave, i asked the doctor to observe you first, even if we'll have to pay a lot for it. and here you are." she said and sobbed, while i take in all she said.

"we'll have to have you checked up every year, y/n." my dad came up, hugging my mother.

we stayed silent and i just stared into nothing for a while.


yes, we did do check up's and everything every year, and at the age of 12, i fortunately got better.

i just had to stop eating these, those, that and whatever.

"but again, ms. y/n. its possible to come back. we never know when but it will. so don't stop holding up your guard. visit me anytime if something's wrong, again." he smiled, "i'll gladly be at your service."

"thank you very much, doctor. for all these years." i smiled and left with a lifted spirit.

"i will live peacefully now.." i thought..

or not so.

flashback end

he flopped beside me and started snoring soon. i gave it my all not to fall asleep as it would be the last thing i would want in the world and tried to snuggle myself up like a ball with the blanket.

someone then barged in the door so suddenly and noisily that it made doyoung jolt up again, sober.

and there stood a sobered up sicheng, all pale. he saw me and doyoung looked at himself, flustered at what he did when he was drunk.

my dry cheeks were once again drenched with tears as i looked at sicheng.

my once blurry eyes was now again cleared up and the pain in my chest lessened a little.

of course, sicheng didn't know what was wrong about my heart. he didn't have to know.

sicheng ran to doyoung and punched him hard,

"why does it have to be my girlfriend? fucking ass. don't ever come near me again."

"look sic--,"

"don't call me by the name."

"i was drunk, okay?"

"you may be fucking drunk but you still have your brain asshole."

 a few more punches after he actually pulled me into his car, furious.

we drove him and i got no clothes but a blanket, keeping me warm. i sobbed simultaneously, but he didn't care and just drove home, still safe.

he opened the door and let me get my clothes first.

i knew he needed an explanation as he waited in the couch while i changed and showered for a bit, 

as i felt really dirty after what happened. 

i went down and went to him, and held his hands.

"sicheng, i'm really sorry. i couldn't do anything."

he just stared in front, massaging his temples.

"sicheng." i looked down and started to cry silently again.

"why didn't you call me?" i looked at him but he was still looking upfront.

"i did, sicheng. until i was tired."

"tired?! y/n, you were going to be raped! and you actually thought of the word 'tired'?! why did i even become your boyfriend for?!" he shook me and the pain in my chest strike again, though i tried not to let it show, it made me silent. "now you can't even answer anything." i looked up at him,

"no, si--,"

"stop, i'm tired also, let me get some fresh air." with that he left, and i knew he wasn't only getting fresh air, he was also..

breaking up with me.

and at that thought, i felt dirtier. dirtier because no one was at my side anymore, dirtier just thinking of what happened.

i suddenly felt numb, as if i can't move my body anymore, and soon dropped on the floor.

trying to scream sicheng's name, nothing came out of my mouth. later on i felt lighter, i stood up. 

but something was wrong.

my body was left lying on the floor. 


and that's where i knew.

it was the end.

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