T A E Y O N G ; N C T

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i groan out in frustration to wake up at the sound of my phone ringing.

i mean, who the frit-frat would call in the middle of the night, –– 3 am?! i just got to sleep an hour ago! 

i tried ignoring it, but the ringing just kept bugging me.

come on. 

i look at the caller id and answered it.

"good evening ms. y/n. i'm really really sorry to bother you, but taeyong wanted me to call you." taeyong's butler that was on his 60's said.

"why? did something happen?" he seemed to be a bit in a worry so i jolted up in my bed, getting ready and changing my clothes while having the phone in my ear.

"he's sick. you know when he's sick. ms y/n." he said and let out an exasperated sigh.

"oh come on, sir, don't call me ms. just y/n." i chuckled, "i'm on my way."

"the driver is waiting outside your house. taeyong told me to do that, if you're going to refuse." we both let out a breathy laugh and said our goodbye's.

i smile at the new man behind the windows and proceeded to go inside.


the ride was clearly about to go to 20 minutes, since there was no traffic. i kept slapping my cheeks lightly to keep myself awake. "i'm really sorry to bother you in the middle of the night." i blurted out, can't keep the atmosphere quiet and so that i have someone to make myself avoid sleeping.

"its okay, madam."

"oh please, call me y/n."

"well then, ms. y/n."

 "take the ms out, you're probably older." i glared at him and he smiled. "you're new?" i asked politely and he nodded. "i guessed that right."

"i just worked at the lee's last week, my name's johnny."

"oh.. johnny. i'll keep that in mind." i smiled again at him.

"you have such a lovely smile, taeyong surely is lucky." he smiled. "if i may ask, why did they have to call you when he's sick?"

"how come you all call taeyong only by his name but you treat his girlfriend much more?" i scoffed.

"he's going to kill us, you know." then we both chuckled.

"taeyong.. he's like the earth. very beautiful if you look like even 1000 meters away or more. scary if you don't know him enough. but when you dig deeper, you'll find him more beautiful. more.. just.. something more. he makes me feel ecstatic. but oh my god, the first time i saw him sick is when i was still his best-est-friend, he shuts everyone out. he can't take care of himself, doesn't know what to do, but just lays down on his bed. if someone tries to go inside his room while he's sick, even if its just giving him foods or medicines, he'll be like.. jesus, i don't know what to describe him." i laughed lightly. "but when he called me, people around his house were very surprised that i got in his room much easier. then i there took care of him, and that's when he confessed." 

"you made him go soft, oh my god! that's so cute!" johnny squealed which made me squint my eyes at him. "i'm straight, still finding someone." he rolled his eyes. "and.. we're here!"

"thank you very much johnny, hope we'll keep contact." i said and he mouthed me a 'take care of him' with closed fists saying 'fighting'.

i sigh as i see his butler standing outside taeyong's door, waiting impatiently.

"sir, calm down. i'm here." i winked at him playfully then smiled.

"he hasn't eaten the whole day, who wouldn't be worried?" he chuckled and relief gushed over his face. "his parents are going to be away until next month. overseas. the only one we can call for help is you." i scoffed at him and threw a smile at him.

"do you have ingredients for porridge?"

"we have made porridge and apparently, he doesn't like it when it's not made by you or his mom."

"what a childish kid." i said as i took a peek inside the room, to see taeyong with furrowed eyebrows, laying on the bed. i hang my sling bag on taeyong's door knob and proceeded to go to the kitchen to make porridge.


"taeyong-ah," i said as i set his porridge and medicine at his nightstand. "wake up, sleepyhead." i shook his body a little but he only groaned and shoo-ed me away. "oh, you don't want to see your girlfriend? alright then." i said, but never intended to leave.

"y/n?" he said as he squinted his eyes at me. i felt his forehead with the back of my palm to feel that he. was. burning. hot.

"what the actual fridge, have you even taken any medicines yet?"

"i don't know which one to take,"

"well why didn't you ask your maids or your butler?!" i said, scolding him with a pout-y face.

"i'm sorry," he said and smiled, patting my hair.

" you're so childish. come on, sit up, eat and take your medicine." 

"childish but you love me."

"stop." i raised my eyebrows at him and mentioned him to open his mouth. i fed him a few more and let him rest again after taking his medicines.

"will you stay the night?" 

"what do you mean, its already morning, asshole." he chuckled and held my hand as i sat beside him in a chair.

"okay, first, i'm sorry for that. you know me when i'm sick." i rolled my eyes and stood up again, getting cold water and a towel.

"next time pay me if i'm going to take care of you." i said and glared at him.

"isn't being my girlfriend enough?" he jokingly said and i punch him lightly on the arm which is enough to make him exaggerated. "that hurts." he pouted.

"just, rest." i forcing-ly closed his eyes with my hands but he refused.

"i can go to dreamland just staring at your face." he said while shaking his head side by side with a sly smile on his face.

i put the towel on his face to cover him from seeing my smiling face, all giddy.

he suddenly pulled me in his big bed and cuddled with me, 

"if ever i'm going to catch flu its going to be your fault." i said but then still hugged him back.

"its my time to take care of you then." he said and made himself comfortable until he fell asleep with me.

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