s i x t y - f o u r

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Spidey-Boii: you don't have to protect me anymore

You: that was the dumbest thing you could have ever possibly done, peter!

Spidey-Boii: boys do stupid things when they're in love

You: peter...

Spidey-Boii: i don't care that they know, nova. if it means i can be with you, i'll tell them all my deepest and darkest secrets

You: like you have deep and dark secrets!

Spidey-Boii: hey! i have secrets!

You: you had exactly one secret and you told that one to the world

Spidey-Boii: one time i watched this one movie without ned even though i promised him we would watch it together and he didn't know and i pretended not to have seen it when we watched it together

You: that's it? that's your big secret?

Spidey-Boii: yeah...

You: i don't think channel 5 would be interested to hear that

You: you're so innocent though i like that

Spidey-Boii: you like me

You: s shut up

Spidey-Boii: you're adorable

You: peter, your life is about to turn into chaos

You: do you know how hard it is?

You: reporters are about to hunt you down like a dog, say goodbye to your privacy, say hello to the news covering what kind of ice cream you like

Spidey-Boii: as long as you're by my side, i'll be fine

You: peter...

Spidey-Boii: no, don't peter me. this was my choice. i wanted to do this

You: i can't believe you did this

Spidey-Boii: well, believe it

You: it was so stupid and reckless, peter

Spidey-Boii: well, i'm stupid and reckless, get over it

You: you're a muffin and you know it

Spidey-Boii: i'm a muffin and i know it

You: apart from the sheer stupidity of it, wow

Spidey-Boii: good wow or bad wow?

You: i can't decide

You: maybe it's selfish, but good wow?

Spidey-Boii: that's what i was hoping

You: i can't believe you did this for me

Spidey-Boii: i would do anything for you

You: peter...

Spidey-Boii: can i pick you up tomorrow night?

You: what?

Spidey-Boii: please i want to take you somewhere special

You: where could we possibly go that we won't be watched?

Spidey-Boii: i know a place

Spidey-Boii: come on, you gotta say yes

Spidey-Boii: there are no more excuses this time

Spidey-Boii: so what do you say?

You: i say

You: yes 

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