f i f t y - f o u r

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Peter: Bold
Nova: Italic

"It's the other window. The same one, just on the other side of the building."


"I see you swinging, Parker, and this is not Nova's window. It's mine."

"I know that, Martin."

"If you know that, why have I seen you sneaking around - albeit not very successfully - outside my window at least three times this week?"

"I'm a stalker?"

"As much as I'd like to believe that and use it to make fun of you, I highly doubt you're stalking me. Well, definitely not me. Nova, on the other hand..."

"Am I the one who constantly seems to have her phone and regularly seems to be reading her messages?"

"Point taken. Peter one, Martin zero."

"It's not a competition."

"You're lucky it's not, because I'd be winning."


"Forget what I said. Why are you outside my window so often?"

"Why do you have Nova's phone so often?"

"I told you. She trusts me more than she trusts her teachers. This is one of those times and I decided to take advantage of the situation, so I could ask you why you're such a weirdo. Your turn."

"I wanted to see Nova."

"Hence why I directed you to her window."

"Nova doesn't want to see me."

"What did you do?"

"Me? I didn't do anything!"

"Then why doesn't she want to see you?"

"She's protecting me. Well, she's protecting my Spider-Man identity. She doesn't want to put me in a situation where my secret identity is revealed."

"You know what? I was wrong. Ask for her hand in marriage. You, two, are so in love that it makes me want to hit you with 'The Notebook' over the head."

"You're not helping."

"I wasn't trying to. Stop being a weirdo and get the girl, Parker!"

"But how?"


"He hung up on me, didn't he? Now that's decidedly unhelpful."

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