f o u r t y - n i n e

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Spidey-Boii: you broke his camera?????????

You: when did you start reading celebrity news?

Spidey-Boii: touchy, are we?

You: just pissed

You: ever since the whole judy scandal they've been stalking me

You: i guess it put me in the limelight

You: judy said to lay low and that it would all blow over

Spidey-Boii: and did you?

You: of course not

You: i broke a reporter's camera

You: now i'm the talk of town even more

You: i can't even go out in the fucking courtyard without some guy with a camera sticking his nose in through the gate

You: it's not even JUST reporters anymore

You: it's the regular tom, dick, and harry too who then send the pictures to random gossip magazines and sites

You: i feel like i'm living in a gossip girl episode

You: i miss the days when i was 'Nova who?'

Spidey-Boii: don't say that

Spidey-Boii: you never deserved to be 'Nova who?'

Spidey-Boii: you're well worth being the talk of town

You: not for something like this

You: i am the girl who made drama in the starr family and the girl who broke a reporter's camera

Spidey-Boii: yeah, you could have done without the latter


Spidey-Boii: sorry

Spidey-Boii: i'm sure judy is right, though

Spidey-Boii: just give it time and it'll all blow over

You: i hope you and judy are right, peter 

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