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Peter: Bold
Nova: Italic



"Just checking it's you this time." 



"Peter, why are you being weird?" 

"Your name is November, because your parents met in November and they wanted to remember it forever and you coincidentally were born in November. You think it's a cliche, but I think it's adorable." 

"...You remember?" 

"Yes. I also remember implying that you have a child with me." 

"But that we shouldn't name him or her August." 

"I'd like to think we'd have a daughter." 

"You're going a bit fast, cowboy." 

"I know I'm probably embarrassing myself, but you're going off track, cowboy." 



"So, you remember telling me you were in love with me?" 

"Yes. And I meant it." 

"Why did you tell me you'd forgotten?" 

"I didn't want my asking you out to be of me being drunk and stupid." 

"Is that what you're doing? Asking me out?" 

"Yes. And then we take it from there. No drunken confessions anymore, I promise. I'm going to do all of confessions sober and hopefully face-to-face from now on. So, what do you say? Will you go out with me?" 



"Peter, it's not you, it's me." 

"Oh, please." 

"I had to at least try to make it funny." 

"Did I do something? Did I wait too long? I should have listened to Ned and to Martin and MJ and-" 

"Wait, hold up! Martin?" 

"I said nothing!" 



"Did that twerp just hang up on me? MARTIN!"

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