t h i r t y - s e v e n

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Peter: Bold
Nova: Italic

"You know what?"


"Noooooo, Spider-Man! Hahaha!" 

"Are you... giggling?"


"Peter, are you drunk?" 

"No. Maybe. I don't know. Probably. I think there was alcohol in that drink. NED, GO AWAY!" 

"Maybe you should go with Ned." 

"Noooooo! Tell MJ I don't wanna go home! I'm talking to Novaaa. Supernova. You know that's really creative and unique." 

"Sure, Petey." 

"Who gave you such a lovely name? A lovely name for such a lovely girl."

"My parents picked it, because that was the month when they first met and they wanted to remember it forever, so they decided to name their second daughter November. Coincidentally it was also the month when I was born. It's a cliche." 

"You and I should be a cliche." 


"I mean, we should make our own cliche. We shouldn't name one of our kids August because we met in August." 


"Well, technically we haven't met. Well, we kind of have, but we haven't really. It's confusing. Why is everything so confusing?" 

"What is confusing, Peter?"

"I thought I liked Liz, right? But I don't like Liz. I like somebody else and I've liked her since the start, but for some reason I wasn't admitting it to myself. Can you take a guess as to who it is?" 

"I-I don't know."

"You stuttered! MJ, STOP TRYING TO TAKE MY PHONE! You're cute when you stutter too, you know? It's not fair that I didn't get to tell you before Martin got to you first. But then you broke up and I was so confused, because when is the right time, you know?" 


"I wanted to tell you that I really liked you. I don't know why I didn't." 

"You really liked me?" 

"I still really like you. Do you know when a couple of days ago you told me you loved me on the phone? I think that was a mistake. NED, CUT IT OUT! I mean, like - STOP IT! - I don't think you meant it like that. Like, yeah, 'Love you!' to a family member or your best friend, but not like, 'I love you, Peter.', but - MICHELLE! - despite that I wanted to say I love you too. I shouldn't have waited until you hung up to say it. I think I'm in love with you, Nova."

"Pete, you're drunk."

"That doesn't matter. November Starr, I'm in love with you. I don't care if you are in love with me too, but I had to let you know. Do with this information what you want. NED, DUDE!" 

"Peter, I think I'm in love-"

"Hi, Nova, is it? This is Ned. Peter can't come to the phone right now - MJ, DON'T LET HIM TAKE HIS PHONE BACK - because he's drunk. Don't worry, though. We're taking him home before he does anything stupid. If he's already done or said anything stupid, I apologize in his name. PETER, MAN, ANYTHING YOU WANT TO TELL HER YOU CAN DO SO WHEN YOU'RE SOBER. JUST GO WITH MICHELLE! MJ, WHATEVER! JUST GO WITH HIM!" 

"Thanks for letting me know, Ned. Make sure he's safe."

"We're taking him home to his aunt now. I'm going to have to go now. This seems to be a two person job. MJ, DUDE, STOP COMPLAINING AND-" 

"Take care of my Spidey-Boii."

A/N: Hi, guys! This should have been updated ages ago, but my laptop decided to take a self-assigned break from me. It was like, "You watched how many episodes of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'? Ha! Yeah, I'm taking a vacation!" Anyway, it's waiting to be fixed at the moment. However, I realized since I have this story backed up on my email, I could update before it got home safe and sound. Thanks for putting up with me. Updates should be more regular from now on. :) 

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