f i f t y - f i v e

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Spidey-Boii: are you made of beryllium, gold, and titanium? 

You: what are you talking about, peter? 

Spidey-Boii: you must be, because you are BeAuTi-ful 

You: peter... 

Spidey-Boii: what? 

You: we've talked about this 

Spidey-Boii: what? friends call each other beautiful all the time 

Spidey-Boii: are you made of copper and tellurium? 

You: i thought i was made of bellyrium, gold, and titanium 

Spidey-Boii: because you are CuTe 

Spidey-Boii: you know, friend to friend 

Spidey-Boii: you must be made of uranium and iodine 

You: is there an element i'm not made of? 

Spidey-Boii: because all i can see is U and I together 

Spidey-Boii: you know, as friends 

You: peter stop 

Spidey-Boii: are you a carbon sample? 

You: peter... 

Spidey-Boii: because i want to date you 

You: peter stop 

Spidey-Boii: just one more and i'm done i promise 

You: peter, we talked about this... 

Spidey-Boii: please 

You: alright 

Spidey-Boii: if i had a star(r) for every time you brightened my day, i'd have a galaxy in my hand 

You: peter... 

Spidey-Boii: yeah, i know 

Spidey-Boii: i'll stop 

You: no 

Spidey-Boii: no? 

You: that is the sweetest thing ever 

Spidey-Boii: forget hydrogen, you are my number one element 

You: you really should have stopped with the galaxy thing 

Spidey-Boii: i really should have

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