f i f t y - n i n e

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Peter: Bold
Nova: Italic

"Do you think things will get awkward?"

"Well, Good Morning to you too."


"Okay, I'll bite. What things do you think will get awkward?"

"You and me. I mean, it was something MJ said-"

"MJ took my phone AGAIN?!"

"Yeah, but that's not the point."

"Yes, it is the point! That girl has no boundaries!"

"She's still making fun of you for the whole Spandex thing."

"Yes... But I'm only worried about that because she might figure out I'm Spider-Man."

"Yes. That is why you're worried."

"You could have at least tried to keep the sarcasm out of your voice."


"Fine. Okay. What did MJ say?"

"It's just... I don't know. Do you think things will get awkward if we're just friends? Do you think we could break up?"

"We'd have to be together to break up."

"She said that a friendship could not survive if the two parties involved were in love with each other. They were bound to either get together or... break up."



"So, let's get together?"


"No, Nova. I am serious."


"Forget about protecting my secret identity! Who cares? I'll be extra careful. If they find out, they find out. I literally do not care. I just want to be with you."



"You say that now. But watch as it unravels. As you're in every headline in the news. As you're labeled as my arm candy. As rumors begin to wreak havoc around you. You say you're fine with it now. That's only because you haven't lived it, okay? I've been around Judy my entire life. I have seen it firsthand and I have felt it firsthand. It is not easy. And it is not as pretty as they make it out to be in the media. I do not want you to hate me and regret me someday because of it."

"...I could never hate you, Nova. Not now. Not then. Not ever. I am undeniably irrevocably in love with you. You have to give me a chance to try to be with you. Isn't it my choice to make whether I want to be protected or not?"

"Not this time. You may be the hero of the night, but some things only I can protect you from."

"You're protecting me from your life. Your life is part of who you are. And I don't want to be protected from you."


"You've dated before. Martin-"

"Martin is different. He's lived the kind of life I have lived. He's used to it."

"I can get used to it."

"Maybe you can. But Spider-Man can't."

"I am not asking you to date Spider-Man. I am asking you to date me."

"But you are Spider-Man."

"No, no, I'm not. And you're not November Starr. I'm Just Peter. And you're Just Nova. And we're just a couple of kids who fell in love."

"I-I'm sorry, Peter. I just can't do this to you. Not right now."

"But when can you do it to me then? Your life will always be your life. You will always lead the life of November Starr. You will always be in the eyes of the press. Even when this whole scandal dies down you will still be in the eyes of the press. So, when can you do it to me?"


"This will always be the issue. So, I guess the question is... Is this ever going to happen?"

"...I'm sorry, Peter."

"So, then... I guess that's it. I guess we... break up."

"I guess we do."

"Goodbye, Nova."

"Goodbye, Peter." 

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