t h i r t y - e i g h t

382 21 0

You: good morning, spidey-boii 

Spidey-Boii: it is too early in the morning for... well, everything 

You: it's 10 am????? 

Spidey-Boii: your point??????? 

You: rise and shine 

Spidey-Boii: funny 

You: still drunk? 

Spidey-Boii: wish i was 

You: oh spidey-boii 

Spidey-Boii: please don't make me look at a phone screen it's too bright who made them so bright 

You: Starr Industries added the new feature to make them even brighter 

Spidey-Boii: tell your parents not to do that pls 

You: hahahahahahahaha

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