s i x t y - o n e

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Peter: Bold
Nova: Italic

"Martin, stop calling me!

"No, I will absolutely not stop calling you, because you need to get your head out of your ass!"

"What the hell is your problem?" 

"My problem? My problem? What the hell is your problem?" 

"I don't have a problem! The last time I checked you were the one calling me and giving me a hard time because of who knows what!" 

"Who knows what? Oh, you know what, you moron! What is this I hear about you and Nova breaking up your friendship?" 

"How is this your business?" 

"How is- Okay, I am going to calm down before I come find you and punch you, spider powers or no spider powers, but you hurt my girl, Parker!" 

"Look, it was a mutual decision, alright? She said that we should either get together or break up. Once she decided that she didn't want us to get together, we decided to break up our friendship. End of story." 

"Break up your friendship? You didn't have a friendship to break up in the first place!"

  "Correction. We had one. We do not anymore." 

"No, you dumbass! What you had was not a friendship. You were just pretending it was. It was something to pass the time until you got to the thing you both really wanted. A relationship."

"Nova made it quite clear she didn't want a relationship with me." 

"How childish can you be? Of course, she did! She is just protecting you! How can you just... end it this way?" 

"Martin Faye, do you ship us?" 

"Get that smirk out of your voice, Parker." 

"I thought you hated me." 


"I thought you hated me." 

"I don't- I didn't hate you. You're just a dumbass. I do hate you now, though, because you hurt my girl and I am coming for your ass!" 

"Martin, calm down and give Nova her phone back." 

"You cannot just give up!" 


"Peter Parker, stop swearing, it does not become you. Also, fuckhead is probably the lamest insult your innocent ass could come up with." 

"No comment." 

"What do you mean you're not giving up? I thought you and Nova decided that you can't be together and if that can't happen you have to break up as friends, which is the equivalent of giving up." 



"So, I will get the girl." 

"How are you going to do that?"

"By giving her somebody she doesn't have to protect." 

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