f o u r t y - e i g h t

350 19 0

Peter: Bold
Nova: Italic

"Hey, Nova! Can we talk for a minute?"

"Alright. But only for a minute. If you make me talk for two you're done."

"Real funny."


"Listen, I've been trying to tell you for days now-"


"But I haven't even started yet...?"

"No, not you, Peter. These stupid paparazzi. TAKE A PICTURE, BUDDY! IT'LL LAST LONGER!"

"Isn't that what he's doing?"

"Well... Yeah... I just couldn't think of a better come-back. I haven't slept. I've been paranoid that there was someone at my window, taking pictures. OH, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THE WORLD, HOW MANY PICTURES DO YOU NEED?"


"I think I need a body guard. WOULD YOU FUCKING STOP? Jeez, a girl can't get to her own dorm without a dumb dude with a big ol' dumb camera disturbing her."

"They're in your school?"

"No. The school is monitored, so it's hard for them to get in. I'm outside, going back *to* school from the store now and they've been following me. I know they can't get in the school or look at us through windows, but I'm still paranoid about it. YOU KNOW WHAT, BUB? TAKE ONE MORE PICTURE AND I'LL- OH, THAT'S IT!"



"I can only imagine what happened to that reporter."

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