f o u r t y - s i x

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Peter: Bold
Nova: Italic

"Yo, Petey!"

"I just don't understand you, Parker."


"What is there to not understand?"


"You like her, don't you?"

"Um, Peter? You called me?"

"Of course I like her!"


"So, why aren't you telling her?"

"This is a butt dial, isn't it?"

"I-I just don't know how to do that. How do I make her realize how I feel?"


"Do you know how to do that? You tell her. And do you know how to do that? You open your mouth and say the words, Peter!"

"I should probably not be listening to this, should I? It's a private conversation."

"It's not that simple, MJ. Her ex-boyfriend is Martin Faye. I mean, how do I compete with Martin Fucking Faye?"


"You compete with Martin Fucking Faye, by being Peter Fucking Parker, that's how. You're the dork that won her over. I mean, Martin told you as much."

"Martin did what now?"

"I don't know, MJ."


"What's the real reason why you're not telling her how you feel, Peter?"


"I, um, guess I'm scared."

"What are you scared of, Peter? I won't reject you. Just tell me."

"What are you scared of, Peter? Rejection? It's pretty much a given that she won't reject you. I mean, how much can a girl flirt with you and give you hints for you to get that she likes you? She just wants you to make the first move. That's all. She's probably scared too."


"That's not it."


"Then what is?"


"I'm scared of what comes... after."




"Is it because she's older than you?"


"No, that's not either. It's just that... She's November Starr, you know? And I'm just... Peter Parker. And I'm scared that she'll realize that and even though she wants to be with me now, she won't want to be with anymore after she realizes that. As I said, I'm not a billionaire or the heir to a multimillionaire company or-"


"I'm pretty sure he was a model at some point too."



"Stop comparing yourself to Martin. I like you. Not Martin."

"You're talking about Martin."


"Okay, yeah, or a model."


"Yeah, you're none of those things."

"But you're Peter Parker and that's enough."

"Really, MJ? That does not help... like... at all."


"I'm not finished yet. I wanted to say that you may not be Martin, but you and Martin were technically in a competition for her heart and you won, because she picked you. And she keeps picking you. So, stop doubting yourself. No matter, what you think, you are good enough for her. And if for some reason someday she doesn't see that then it's her loss. Not yours. But right now it's a chance you have to take."



"Spidey-Boii, what can I do to convince you?"

"You're not giving her a chance. Give her a chance."



"Give us a chance, Spidey-Boii." 

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