t h i r t y - n i n e

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Peter: Bold 
Nova: Italic

"How are you feeling, Petey?"

"A lot better actually. I'm out to lunch with Ned. He took me to lunch." 

"Well, thank Ned for lunch and for taking care of you when you were drunk and stupid." 

"Yes, Mom." 

"I didn't take you for a drinker, Parker." 

"I'm not actually. I didn't know there was alcohol in that drink until it was far too late. Ned says I was acting really stupid. Thankfully, I don't really remember much of it." 

"Oh! Um, what do you, um, remember?" 

"Well, I remember drinking. Unfortunately, that's about it. I vaguely remember calling you, but not what it was that we were talking about. Did I say anything dumb? I'm sorry if I did." 

"Dumb? Oh, not dumb. You were quite... sweet."

"Wh-what did we talk about?" 

"How I got my name actually. You really wanted to know the story of my name. Too bad you don't remember it. It was, um, sweet of you to ask."

"I hope you tell me again someday."

"I hope you ask again someday."

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